Saturday, April 17, 2010

Damn Tea Party

There were several excellent letters to the editor in the SF Chronicle this morning. This is my favorite:

"The disconnect between Tea Party slogans and reality is stunning ("Don't believe smears, come see for yourself," Open Forum, April 15).

They speak of cutting "liberty-squelching, job-killing taxes." What does that mean? Tax rates on income, capital gains, estates are at historic lows. What would they cut?

They embrace "conservative" principles and freedom. Yet government can dictate who can marry and what a woman can do with her body?

They rail about "government-run" health care. How is it government-run? Because everyone is required to buy health insurance? We're already required to buy car insurance. How are those mandates different?

They hate the bank bailout. Me too. But imagine how hard it would be to get a mortgage if the government let AIG, Citi and BofA fail.

Don't bail out the auto companies! But didn't that save jobs, not kill jobs? Besides, aren't conservatives the ones who scream "Buy American"?

Government spending is "out of control." I agree. Cut our obscene defense budget. But that's un-American!

Get real, Tea Partiers. You can't have it both ways. And until Sarah Palin stops sticking her gun in my face, you still look like an angry mob."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Voice Mail

It would be great if various businesses would get away from automated phone menus. There are too many times that I go around in circles trying to get to the right person. For example: Today I tried dialing Verizon customer service regarding re-setting my voice mail password. When it didn't work I ended up in an endless loop going no where so at the end of the message I quickly dialed several zeros and actually go connected with a live person who helped me with my problem several times in the earlier process I was continually referred to the previous number that I had dialed. Yesterday I had the same problem with Dell technical support. Each time I had to re-enter my express service code and start all over again. In the end I got disconnected and had to start all over again this morning. Fortunately, in both cases, the problems have been resolved but...
That is not good customer service at all. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Dreary Weather

The rainy season here on the West Coast generally winds down and ends in April however today seems more like January. It has been raining all day and the temperature is 48° resulting in a totally boring day. We are supposed to have sunny skies Tuesday through Friday but more rain next weekend. Bummer...

The SF Giants are currently under rain delay for their game against the Atlanta Braves. There was to be a reunion of players from the past including Barry Bonds but I guess they will all now go their separate ways the public won't get to see any of them.

And to make things worse, I am hungry. It is too early to eat dinner so what to do...

And to make things worse (part 2) there aren't any interesting movies in the cinemas and I don't have any DVDs of interest right now and this apartment is getting colder by the minute. Oh well, I least I can turn up the heat. Wish I could turn off the rain.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

I am seeing Red

This is getting so tiresome and I worry about my friends there. I would like to return to Chiang Mai in January but I am now wondering what shape the country of Thailand will be in by that time. These stubborn Red Shirts who only want one thing and that is the return of Thaksin Shinawatra as Prime Minister. Well, my friends, that ain't gonna happen, so what would happen if the current P.M. dissolved parliament and actually did call for new elections as the Red Shirts have been demanding? Would they accept the outcome of that election? I doubt it. And then there if the matter of the frail and elderly King. How much longer will he last? I am hoping for the best however it is a very precarious situation to say the least.

By the way, if you want to get some good background on the Royal Family and Royal Succession and the problems involved, check out the articles at The Economist.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Impossible Airline

Airlines continue to make flying more and more difficult but Spirit Airlines has taken things to a new low with their charges and they don't even allow a camera to be carried on board. So, everyone be warned - DON'T FLY SPIRIT AIRLINES.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Caltrain ponders return to commute-only service

That would be sad if it comes to pass. They would lose additional riders and find it even more difficult to recover after the economy recovers. Also, what would Giants fans from the peninsula do on game days? And one other thing. The timing of this announcement is a little strange as only a few weeks ago they announced that they would begin a study to electrify the entire line from San Francisco to Gilroy. No need to that if they are only going to be part-time or non-existent.

See: Caltrain ponders return to commute-only service

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Down in Flames

It was once thought that Archbishop Levada (and former Arch-Bishop of San Francisco), now Cardinal Levada and now right hand man to the Pope could be the first American Pope. Well, that whole regime is going down in flames. Not only has Ratzinger's actions, or lack thereof, made it difficult or impossible for another German Pope in the near future but for an American one as well.

The Church needs to turn to the East, the Far East, as there were one or two Asian Cardinals amongst the preferiti during the last election for Pope. The church needs to get away from Europe and I am not sure one of the arch-conservative Cardinals from Africa will fill the bill either.

Bad English

Here is a movie review written by a high school drop out. It says in part: Rocketing from one bobby-trapped and treacherous site to the next... I thought that was always "booby-trapped" unless British "bobby's" have somehow gotten into the war. Also, Spun by operatives with intersection agendas which I believe should read "intersecting agendas". Duh.... No wonder kids have such a problem with the English language these days.

One of the most irritating expressions these days by teens is "such and such is so fun". What ever happened to so much fun. This just grates on my nerves to no end.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Great Sale

Oh, I love this special for a messenger bag posted on today. A messenger bag originally $49.99, now on sale for, gasp...$49.99. Sorry guys but that does not compute. hehehe