Saturday, June 07, 2014

Oh bitch, bitch, bitch

Why is it that most of my posts seem to be complaints?  Good question but I guess that things that irk me get me most fired up and in the mood to air my grievances through this site.  One thing that would help greatly in my case would be a substantial financial windfall so I could afford to move out of this noisy Motel 6 Fraternity House of a building.

Since we have no on-site manager it is difficult to deal with noisy tenants.  Before Don our resident manager, passed a number of years ago it was great as he ran a tight ship and would not tolerate any of this inconsiderate behavior.  Now the property management company located outside of San Francisco seems only to care about collecting the rent.  We also have the problem of one or two inconsiderate tenants who just happen to live next to or above me.  The rest of the building does not seem to have this problem of late night noise.  Also, when I moved in I was given a lease which spelled out certain behaviors.

The building from 1960 has very thin walls and floors so sounds carry all too well between apartments and tonight my upstairs neighbor has turned in an "all nighter" with loud music starting shortly after midnight and continuing now at 6:11 AM as I write this.  I gave up trying to sleep around 3:30 AM so I got up, got dressed and turned on the computer and other devices.  Guess I will have a very early breakfast as a result.  He has never done it in the past for this many hours so this is a new low for him

I have tried to talk to my upstairs neighbor but it seems to do no good.  I probably should have called the police when the music, if that is what it is called, was at its loudest around 2 AM but I didn't.  It stopped around 3 and but then resumed around 4 AM but at a slightly lower decibel reading.  I can still hear the bass and rhythm section which is so prevalent in contemporary pop music.  In fact, that is what I hear the most of.   Also tonight there was what sounded like a wrestling match around 1 AM which was scary as these thin concrete floors crack easily which is one reason water beds and similar heavy furniture is not allowed.  At least according to my lease.

I would like a lawyer but can't afford one.  Can't afford to move and pay market rate rent either so I really feel trapped in this hell hole.  I have lived here 21 years and realize that I am a senior citizen now living amongst yuppies and other professional types but some consideration should be given to late night noise.  Don't these yuppies or techies ever sleep???

Well, it is almost time to take a shower and have breakfast and the so-called music upstairs continues unabated.   [boom-boom-boom, etc.]  I am bushed.  Maybe I will have to sleep during the day today.  Yuk...that is a bummer.

Anyway, I could use a pro bono lawyer especially since San Francisco rental laws are so complex.