Monday, September 28, 2009

Sick Society

Just learned on the news tonight that somebody posted a poll on Facebook asking how many people feel that Obama should be assassinated. The person or persons who posted this seemed, according to the news, to be most concerned about the president's health-care proposals. This is sick, sick, sick. Fortunately this was discovered quickly and it was removed from Facebook shortly after it was posted. I hope the Secret Service finds the culprit and locks him up for a long, long time. Partly for the threat on the president and partly for his mental sickness. That person needs some serious psychiatric care.

Health Care, Obamacare, Medicare, whatever

I am sick and tired of Americans who know nothing and who have never been anywhere outside their own backyards and wish they would SHUT UP. I despise their attitude towards a government run healthcare program. They are so two faced. When they reach 65 they will gladly go on Social Security and Medicare so for them to tell me and the rest of the country that we cannot have a government run healthcare program for everyone is just plan STUPID.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


These effing idiots who did not want their children to hear the president's speech today are an abomination. They are also the ones who are fighting the president's health care plan.

We need a public option to keep the money hungry and dishonest insurance companies in check. I know from personal experience since retiring that the private insurance companies are ONLY interested in THEIR bottom line. They don't give a damn about my health. Even with dental insurance my carrier consistently fights what my dentist needs to do by denying coverage or giving incorrect information when trying to get a procedure approved. It has taken my dentist about four times to get a correct pre-certification of benefits for a simple lower partial. You would not believe how they responded during the past two months on this issue.

As a senior I have no problem with the GOVERNMENT RUN MEDICARE except that Congress does not fund it properly and also "borrows" money from the Medicare Trust Fund.

As for the Obama haters and/or conservatives who are fighting him on healthcare they need to cease and desist.

Obama haters

It is sad to see all the Obama haters, some of which are probably very racist, objecting to the president's speech to school children. There is nothing offensive in his speech and if two previous Republican presidents could do it, why not this Democratic president?

These are probably the same idiots who object to the president's health care proposals. They are just not going to let this man win on any front.

This country is full of idiots.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Still here...

I have been absent from these pages for a short time due to some laziness on my part but also because of returning to a routine of going up to Vallejo to alternate with my friend's siblings as caregiver. Chemotherapy treatments were re-started recently and now there is supposed to be someone at the house with him at all times. This has put a certain amount of strain on all concerned and as a result I have not been too involved with the events outside the "family". I am here now until the 18th of September but the three days that I have been here already seem more like three months.

Not long ago I started re-reading A Tale of Two Cities and so I am sure I will finish it before I return home.
BTW, I read that in my late teens but recently decided I would return to some of the classics. After this I will be re-reading Crime and Punishment.

As for my next door neighbor, if decides to act-up again I hope he does it while I am not at home. Also, I would hope that he does it on the weekend or at night when other people could hear it. He is really a nut case and I do not think the police believe me in this matter.

For now, I am out of here.

Cheers everyone...