Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Senate GOP pledges to block all bills until tax dispute resolved -
I say that we should give those Republicans all the rope they need to hang themselves. Extend the tax cuts and then see what a mess they make out of things in 2011. They no more have any ideas than the Democrats so I say "put up or shut up".
Friday, November 26, 2010
Good idea
Read more:
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Train to nowhere
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Presidental Race - 2012
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Punks in the Haight
"The Haight punks may not be able to afford rent, but that is because they choose to do no work and mooch off those who do. Further, they are not looking for housing. They have no intention of settling down in San Francisco or anywhere else. The affordability or unaffordability of rent is thus irrelevant to their condition."
That comment from Heather Mac Donald, of the New York-based City Journal, a quarterly magazine about urban affairs, writing about San Francisco's sit/lie debate. Unfortunately, given the far left leanings of this city I doubt that much can be done.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Boy stabbed repeatedly in New York restaurant -
This is a good example of the sick society we live in today. This planet apparently needs "outside" help.
How about a walk?
Even if he had struck out perhaps the next batter could have walked in the winning run. Since the errant batter is one of the teams better players, I won't even mention his name here.
Friday, October 08, 2010
Gate fixed
Yesterday the Blue Angles "surveyed" the city and today there will be practice runs which will sound the same as the ones yesterday.
Tim Lincecum pitched superbly yesterday as the Giants beat the Braves 1-0. Today Matt Cain will be on the mound.
Want to see the movie "The Town" but not sure when I am going to find time for it.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Mr. Fixit
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Junk pick-up
"You can't separate marijuana smoke from cigarette and cigar smoke.
For health reasons, we have smoke-free offices, restaurants and apartment buildings, but healthy people still have to walk through a gauntlet of smokers, including pot smokers, wherever they go, especially in the business district.
Cigarette butt trash litters our sidewalks, bus stops and beaches. Second-hand smoke kills many people every year. It's pretty scary that potheads can actually vote for their right to expose healthy people to the sickening stench of marijuana smoke wherever they go. Marijuana smoke is just as deadly as cigarette and cigar smoke, and healthy people have the right to smoke-free air. It's even more frightening that politicians are pushing taxing a toxic substance as a source of revenue."
Monday, September 27, 2010
Unrest and wars
Friday, September 24, 2010
No new nut cases?
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Confusion reigns
Pastor nixes Quran-burning, claims NYC mosque deal - Yahoo! News
Thank you Pastor Jones for coming to your senses and working with the imam in this delicate matter.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
The Voice of Hate
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Hate filled world
Sunday, September 05, 2010
End of summer??
Fall is here with the schools opening and the opera and symphony seasons resuming once again. It is one of my favorite times in this city.
My gray matter is not working too well tonight so that will all for now.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Roller Coasters
The wind has been bothersome to me also but had coffee with a friend at Blue Bottle Cafe at the SF MOMA today. We sat in a sunny corner where we were protected from the wind so it was a very pleasant afternoon.
Not sure what I will do tomorrow or will be able to do as we will be out late tonight for the coronation of Mr. & Ms. GAPA 2010 at Shangri-La.
Somebody told me today that there once was a cross-eyed teacher who could not control his pupils. Hmmmm....
Bye y'all
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A pocketful of dust and one note
Saturday, August 14, 2010
"Over the years I have often complained about the panhandlers and homeless intruding on my space and asking me for money, sometimes aggressively. Now I would give anything to see them instead of those clipboard-wielding touts that harass me sometimes several times throughout my walk down Fillmore Street, shoving their clipboards and their opinions at me. At least the homeless really need the money."
And this reminds me that it was so pleasant during my recent visit to Boston not to see newspapers and other trash all over the streets and not to to be panhandled at every turn. Only once in seven days was I panhandled. In SF once in 24 hours would be a welcome relief and minor miracle.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Aaron Pekin as Mayor
Shocker, more of the same, when the next batch of loons take power and implement more of the same lunacy that makes SF a laughing stock to the world, the same clowns that ushered the new set of lunatics in will authentically be puzzled as to why things remain as screwed up as they are, whats that about the definition of insanity being when one tries the same thing over and over again, yet expects a different result, sums up SF to a T.
The above comments are reader comments from SF Gate this morning and I agree 1000%.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Pathetic country that we live in...
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Inconsiderate 25-something neighbors...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Things that go bump in the night...
This building is such that unidentified sounds are liable to originate anywhere at any time of the day or night. The ghost of Sally Stanford??? Well, her SF bordello did occupy this site until it was torn down in the fifties. Was that an unhappy event for her and how did the current owner's late husband come to acquire the property?
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
More San Francisco follies
I especially liked some of the comments made on the SF Gate website regarding this matter.
Comments such as:
"You gotta love Bugaboo Nation. They won't get their kids vaccinated but they're worried about cell phone towers."
"Glad I don't live in SF with all the nutcases. They complain when they can't get cell service but then become NIMBY's when the cell phone companies try to install new antennas. And let's not forget there have been no studies showing any harmful links between cell phone radiation and personal health."
"Do you really need another reason to convince visitors and conventioneers to go elsewhere?"
I am really ready to go somewhere else to get away from some of these people.
Monday, July 05, 2010
Dumb Ass Smart Meters
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Quiet 4th
Today was a rather quiet day all around. Went to the 11 AM Eucharistic Service at Grace Cathedral again. The Rodgers electronic organ in the gallery sounds great, probably a lot better than the gallery division of the pipe organ. The organ restoration project is supposed to be completed by late this fall.
It was quiet at home today which was a blessing after the very noisy Friday and Saturday which almost had me calling my shrink for help. LOL
Now I am hearing the noise of the fireworks from the Bay. All week the weathermen and women have been predicting a fog free 4th. Ha! At 6 PM a cold wind was blowing and bringing in the fog as usual. As for those weather people - they are all herby FIRED.
What should I do tomorrow? The kitchen and bathroom floors need mopping. Yuck...
I have been putting that off too long so if it is a chilly windy day perhaps I can get myself moving and do that.
Saturday, July 03, 2010
Noisy Neighbors
Is there some sinister plot by S.C. Properties Management to either drive me crazy or drive me out of the building, or both. I have been here 17 years and because of rent control I am not paying "market rent". Perhaps the very rich person who owns the building has decided that she doesn't have enough money and would like to get me out so that she can have even more.
Well, frankly I would like to move, oh gawd, how I would like to but I cannot afford it. If I could I would be gone so fast that all you would see would be a blur.
Footnote to the above: As I write this at 11:00 PM, the perps just left. I wonder if they will return when the bars close and be just as noisy???????
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Foreigners - STAY HOME
Monday, June 07, 2010
California Voters
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Uncertain future
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
What would YOUR government do about this?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Troubles in USA
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sadness and anger...
There is one big question on my mind regarding this sad state of affairs. Why haven't the ring leaders and others who disobey the law, been arrested and put in jail? Don't these acts constitute treason?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Hopeless case?
I have hope that the situation will improve but each morning when I get up and read the news and go on-line, it seems that it has only gotten worse overnight. I now have friends there, Thai citizens as well as ex-pats from the USA, and I worry about them although I am sure they will know how to stay out of harm's way but I will miss them.
This also leaves me without a vacation spot in the midst of winter here at home. It was so nice to go to a warm climate for a few weeks and to be with people I know but that seems to have come to an end.
So sad, so sad...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Damn Tea Party
"The disconnect between Tea Party slogans and reality is stunning ("Don't believe smears, come see for yourself," Open Forum, April 15).
They speak of cutting "liberty-squelching, job-killing taxes." What does that mean? Tax rates on income, capital gains, estates are at historic lows. What would they cut?
They embrace "conservative" principles and freedom. Yet government can dictate who can marry and what a woman can do with her body?
They rail about "government-run" health care. How is it government-run? Because everyone is required to buy health insurance? We're already required to buy car insurance. How are those mandates different?
They hate the bank bailout. Me too. But imagine how hard it would be to get a mortgage if the government let AIG, Citi and BofA fail.
Don't bail out the auto companies! But didn't that save jobs, not kill jobs? Besides, aren't conservatives the ones who scream "Buy American"?
Government spending is "out of control." I agree. Cut our obscene defense budget. But that's un-American!
Get real, Tea Partiers. You can't have it both ways. And until Sarah Palin stops sticking her gun in my face, you still look like an angry mob."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Voice Mail
That is not good customer service at all. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Dreary Weather
The SF Giants are currently under rain delay for their game against the Atlanta Braves. There was to be a reunion of players from the past including Barry Bonds but I guess they will all now go their separate ways the public won't get to see any of them.
And to make things worse, I am hungry. It is too early to eat dinner so what to do...
And to make things worse (part 2) there aren't any interesting movies in the cinemas and I don't have any DVDs of interest right now and this apartment is getting colder by the minute. Oh well, I least I can turn up the heat. Wish I could turn off the rain.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
I am seeing Red
By the way, if you want to get some good background on the Royal Family and Royal Succession and the problems involved, check out the articles at The Economist.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Impossible Airline
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Caltrain ponders return to commute-only service
See: Caltrain ponders return to commute-only service
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Down in Flames
The Church needs to turn to the East, the Far East, as there were one or two Asian Cardinals amongst the preferiti during the last election for Pope. The church needs to get away from Europe and I am not sure one of the arch-conservative Cardinals from Africa will fill the bill either.
Bad English
One of the most irritating expressions these days by teens is "such and such is so fun". What ever happened to so much fun. This just grates on my nerves to no end.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Great Sale
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Mobile Home?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Message to Linda
Saturday, February 13, 2010
"Smart Phones"?
Buzz? I do not need a social networking app in my g-mail. That is private, or at least as private as things can be on the world wide web I guess. For social networking I will stick with Facebook, or Twitter if I can ever figure out how to use that site.
Windows 8? Those folks up in Redmond still don't get it. They need an OS that works well with few if any bugs before they decide to re-invent the wheel again.
I remember many years ago when the slogan for General Electric was "Quality is our Most Important Product". Well, that apparently does not currently apply to a lot of businesses in the USA. The bottom line seems to be the only important product for a number of companies these days.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Re: Highrises
"Again, another short-sighted, reactionary measure from the Board of Supervisors to "fix" a problem that isn't a problem. And due to the lack of voters in June's election, this will probably pass as a result of an ill informed public and left wing progressives. (Who wouldn't vote to save SUNLIGHT?!?) It seems many don't realize that these buildings may only cast small slivers of shadows on certain parks at certain times during the year (like in the winter), and they'd be stopped with this ballot measure. SF should be encouraging smart development like Transbay Terminal and Hunters Point, which would create more jobs and grow our tax base. This is also a power grab by the Board of Supervisors. I'd rather let PLANNING decisions be left to the professionals at the Planning Department and Planning Commission. Don't politicize the development process even further by giving more power over the the Board."
Sometimes I think some residents would return the city to the log cabin days of past centuries. San Francisco Progressives are NOT progressive, they are ill-informed and backwards in a lot of their thinking, if they think at all.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Vacation & Security
Sad end to this vacation however. My friend Richard who was very ill with cancer, took a sudden turn for the worse and I had to cut my time short by one week but still did not make it back to the USA in time. I returned to San Francisco the evening of January 19th but he died (in his sleep) that morning.
Now it is time to make some changes in my symphony and opera subscriptions. I need to reduce my expenses so I may terminate one subscription and cut back on the other. I just don't know yet as I need to examine all of my options. Also, I am very tired of the maniacs who populate Van Ness Avenue after dark especially on the weekends which makes travel home after a concert or the opera very unpleasant at times. Even if I manage to catch the #47 or 49 bus, passengers can be unruly. While I am physically able to walk home, that is becoming less and less of an option with all the crazies out there. Even the short walk from California and Van Ness home can be unpleasant. Because of this I am going to have to switch to matinee performances if I continue to attend the symphony or opera.
What I would like to do is live near Columbus Circle or Lincoln Center in New York City and be close to all the concerts and operas without the hassle of SF's temper tantrums. That ain't gonna happen unless I win the lottery as I could never afford NYC rents.
Friday, January 08, 2010
A belated Happy New Year
Well, I am still here but barely. That is, after logging onto this site for the first time in awhile, I am preparing to take off on what has become my annual winter vacation in Thailand. This time it will be only for two weeks and one city (Chiang Mai) instead of three weeks in two or more cities.
In recent months my duties as caregiver for a friend who is seriously ill with cancer has taken up a lot of time and I have not been able to focus on this site. He is slowly getting weaker, or so it seems, and is taking a lot of different medications now in addition to his chemotherapy treatments. I alternate for a week or two with his three siblings.
So now I will get to see some of my friends in Chiang Mai for the first time in several years plus one or more ex-pats from San Francisco who live there now. I am battling my mid-winter cough here however. It took last winter off but when present sounds a lot worse than it is.. The only thing that will knock it out is warmer weather which is what I am sure headed for on Monday. The problem is the 9+ hours of flight time on chilly airplanes. Hope that does not exacerbate the problem.
As I prepare for this trip I wonder how the new security regulations, if any, will impact me. I guess outbound from the U.S. won't be too much different but the return could get interesting. Just hope I will have access to the rest room during that final hour of flight. After all, when you gotta go, you gotta go.