"The disconnect between Tea Party slogans and reality is stunning ("Don't believe smears, come see for yourself," Open Forum, April 15).
They speak of cutting "liberty-squelching, job-killing taxes." What does that mean? Tax rates on income, capital gains, estates are at historic lows. What would they cut?
They embrace "conservative" principles and freedom. Yet government can dictate who can marry and what a woman can do with her body?
They rail about "government-run" health care. How is it government-run? Because everyone is required to buy health insurance? We're already required to buy car insurance. How are those mandates different?
They hate the bank bailout. Me too. But imagine how hard it would be to get a mortgage if the government let AIG, Citi and BofA fail.
Don't bail out the auto companies! But didn't that save jobs, not kill jobs? Besides, aren't conservatives the ones who scream "Buy American"?
Government spending is "out of control." I agree. Cut our obscene defense budget. But that's un-American!
Get real, Tea Partiers. You can't have it both ways. And until Sarah Palin stops sticking her gun in my face, you still look like an angry mob."