Thursday, March 31, 2011

Money problems...

"America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash. It's just that it’s not in your hands. It has been transferred, in the greatest heist in history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the uber-rich ... The only thing that's broke is the moral compass of the rulers. And we aim to fix that compass and steer the ship ourselves from now on." – Michael Moore in Madison, Wisconsin on March 5, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bad English

Another person has failed English 101A. At CNN it was reported "that the pilot had lost control of the aircraft by unknown reasons." That should be "for unknown reasons". This should not be worth complaining about except that I see and hear far too many grammatical errors from adults these days. We seem to be raising a village of idiots.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another war...

And once again this country gets involved in yet another war while the poor people get poorer and the not so poor get poorer because of cuts to social security and medicare and other important programs that this country can no longer afford. FDR mus be rolling over in his grave about now. At the rate this country is going there will be no more middle class left in a few years.

Seattle's Weather???

Since Seattle is one of the wettest cities in the 48, I wonder if our seemingly endless supply of storms here in San Francisco are those which normally would have hit them? Has the jet stream sagged to the south? Are they now in very dry period? This is getting to be too much. In checking the extended forecast on it appears we will be in a rainy period right through the first of April. Enough already! Please!

On the plus side, my noisy neighbor, whoever he is, was not so noisy last night. In fact, I hardly heard a thump or beep or explosion from his sound system.

On the negative side, my kitchen sink drain is falling apart and maintenance in this building usually leaves everything to be desired. So far two phone calls and one e-mail to the property management company have produced no responses of any kind. Guess I will be eating frozen dinners a lot as well as eating out until the situation is fixed.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stormy Weather

Last night's sleep was interrupted by noise from #301 once again. I do not know what time it started but I awoke about 3:00 AM and the noises continued and even got louder as the five o'clock hour approached when they finally ended. By that time I could not get back to sleep so I have had a long day. Now it is 10:35 PM and I AGAIN heard SOME of the same sounds a few minutes ago. If this continues I will have to have a talk with my doctor and a lawyer regarding sleep deprivation and the problems it can cause. I would also like to get a restraining order on the noise maker who does not seem to know or care that this building, the Sally Stanford Memorial Motel, has paper thin walls and floors and that ALL sounds carry throughout the building every easily.

If and when I get some debts paid off and can raise my income level as a result, I would move out of here post haste. As is, I am stuck here apparently from now until something short of eternity. Grrrrrrr.......

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Don't leter Congress pull the plug...

Subject: Tell Congress: Don't pull the plug on NPR and PBS!

Dear Friend,

In a budget proposal made public on Wednesday, House Republicans announced plans to zero out all funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the nonprofit responsible for funding public media including NPR, PBS, Pacifica and more.

If the Republicans are successful, it would be a tremendous blow to the entire public interest media sector.

We cannot allow Republicans to destroy public media.

I just signed a petition telling Congress to fully fund NPR and defend public service media. You should too. Click below to take action.

Priceless comment

I love this comment in the SF Gate comments section this morning:

We can't say no to the dictators of the middle east because they have all the oil and we can't say no to the autocrats of China because we have to buy all our Walmart crap from them and we can't say no to our own plutocrats because they've sucked up all the money from the middle class. Priceless!

Read more:

Friday, March 04, 2011

Don't destroy Social Security

Subject: Tell Senate Democrats: Support the Social Security Protection Act of 2011
Dear Friend,

We need to take Social Security off the table as a bargaining chip in talks about the budget deficit and federal spending.

Social Security is one of the greatest anti-poverty programs in our country's history and is wildly popular. In addition, despite fearmongering to the contrary, Social Security is currently running a surplus, is fully solvent for decades, and is prohibited by law from adding to the deficit.

In fact, the only crisis facing Social Security is caused by opponents of the program who are crying wolf about a crisis in order to justify undermining one of the most popular social programs in our history.

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has recently introduced a bill called the Social Security Protection Act of 2011. The bill would take Social Security off the chopping block by requiring a two-thirds super majority to reduce benefits, raise the retirement age or privatize the program.

I just signed a petition in support of this bill, and I hope you will too.

You can find out more information and easily take action at the link below.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Crazy City

I don't know whether to cry of laugh after reading this: "The annals of crime: Mission Station Capt. Greg Corrales reports that a would-be thief approached three people at 24th and Douglass streets and demanded their cell phones. But he refused one because it was "old- fashioned." "He then drew a gun and demanded all their property," the report continued. "When told by another of the victims that what he was doing was wrong, the gunman turned around and walked away."