Saturday, December 05, 2015

Guns, guns, and more guns

Some people are once again urging that everyone who is legally allowed to have guns, carry them.  This would presumably, prevent mass shootings.  Well, this presumes two things.  One, that gun owners are clairvoyant and thus would know when the next outbreak of violence would occur, and two, that the legal gun owner, would be such a good shot that he could hit the perps and not cause more casualties.

Such a simple solution to a complex problem is not a good idea in my mind.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

The holidays approach but terrorism is already here

I find it interesting that the authorities are hesitant to label what happened in San Bernardino as terror.  It is true that we do not know if the perps were home grown or recently radicalized. but mass shootings are terror, no ifs, ands, or buts.   Actually, any murder can be labeled as terror for the victim.

What bothers me now is the renewed cry for more gun control.  Yes there may be holes in our current laws but lets fact it folks, the barn doors have been open for quite a while and all the horses stolen.  So given access to guns if one really wants one, they can be obtained.  I don't think any amount of new laws is going to prevent that.

One thing authorities need to do is provide more mental health screening and treatment, where possible.  However, since there is no guarantee of anything working, I am now a confirmed pessimist and feel that this planet is now on a slippery slope to its total doom.

ISIS continues to grow and no one seems to know what to do about that threat and now France and the U.K. are involved as their respective Air Forces are now bombing ISIS sites which will only make them angrier but do nothing to reign them in.

If anyone has any ideas what to do I and the rest of the world would like to hear them.

I need a drink.  Ha!