Saturday, August 30, 2003

Confused city, state and nation.

The weekend arriveth and goeth away just as quickly. Dost one wonder when
weekends were long and enjoyable? No, say I. Memory faileth as most everything
else does these days. Well, not quite everything. :-)

Certainly in this fog shrouded City by the Bay, what Herb Caen called Baghdad-by-
the-Bay, things move slowly and confusingly. Actually, they lurch along from one
mini-crisis to another and no one knows what to do about any of them.

Now Mr. Clean, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamente, is now taking heat for accepting
questionable campaign contributions for the recall election. The Republicans have all
but handed over the election to party boy Schwarzenegger which is too bad as former
Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan would have been a good choice had Gray Davis not
played dirty tricks in the primary last year which permitted Bill Simon to win that
primary. Now, even Bill has dropped out of the running in this silly recall which is
not going to prove one damn thing except how much money it takes to put on this
charade of democracy. Democracy! Ha!! Only until there is total and complete
campaign reform will we even begin to start down that road.

Elections must not be bought and paid for by large corporations and the election
campaign time must be limited to eight weeks during which time all candidates will be
given free time on radio and TV to air their views.

As it stands now, the government cannot be trusted to do what is right. They are
only interested in perpetuating and increasing their power and income. And then they
wonder why so few people bother to vote. Well, duh! Why bother to choose
between tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum? It becomes a matter of who is the least
dangerous of the candidates and that is no way to run an election and the country.

About the only thing the government has been good at in recent years is in covering
up the truth. Cover-ups abound from the attack on Pearl Harbor to the assassination
of John Kennedy to the incident at Waco, Texas to the Oklahoma City bombing,
and the events of Sept. 11, 2001, etc., etc. Actually the list is rather lengthy but
those are some of the more prominent incidents along the way.

It does get discouraging but what can I do? Move out of the country? Actually I
would like to but can't afford it so I am stuck here. Then again, should lightning
stike and I win the big one in the lottery, it might be possible. Oh, I forgot, I am
more likely to be struck by lightning than win the lottery. Damn!

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