Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Busy month

Greetings from San Francisco once again. I am still here although frequently exhausted at the end of the day. I need a vacation and if I make it through the next few weeks that is what I will get with my journey to Rome, Florence, and Venice.

In the meantime I must remain in this country where the federal government continues to embarass me and make me angry. First, they don't want to go through the U.N. nor listen to France and Germany regarding the situation in Irag but now that we can't extricate ourselves from a mess of our own doing, we want the U.N. and France and Germany to send in troops to clean up the mess and they have refused, and rightfully so. What idiots we have in Washington. How so utterly hypocritical! I makes me want to puke.

To make matters worse, congress seems to be willing to go along with the 87 million dollar price tag (or is that 87 billion?) even though our own infrasturcture is falling apart and many people have no health care insurance, or insufficient coverage, especially seniors and retirees. We can't even run our railroads properly. What a mess we have here. Why are we always so quick to spend the money elsewhere? Let's rebuild this country first!

Oh well, politics continues as usual. (see below)


HOLLYWOOD (Reuters) - They really said it -- notable quotes from the news:

"The reality of it is that I am for the Latin community. I love Mexico. I have done four movies down there."

-- actor and gubernatorial candidate ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, saying "dirty politics" was to blame for his being uninvited to serve as grand marshal of a Mexican Independence Day parade in East Los Angeles.


Hasta la vista baby.

(and more later)

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