Friday, March 05, 2004


In retirement that has no meaning as everyday is Friday or Monday, or Saturday, or whatever. In fact, if it weren't for the myriad clocks and calendars that I have in strategic places in the apartment, I might forget what day of the week it is and miss an important, or not so important, engagement or event. Ah, the pitfalls of a life of leisure...Ha!!

Well, the Civil Rights movement of the 21st Century has been thrust upon us by the State Supreme Court of Massachusetts and same-sex marriage is popping up in a lot of places. The one place that really surprised me is the county in Oregon (can't think of its name or how to spell it) where the city of Portland is located. Oregon has been infamous for being the home of Lou Mabon and his ultra-conservative religious wackos known at the Oregon Citizens Alliance, or OCA. Lou must be having a conniption-fit about now. I wonder if Lou and his group realize that there has not been a Gay Apocalypse as a result of all these marriages.

Two things of note in all this. There has been no rush by Congress to start proceedings for a constitutional amendment to bar same sex marriages and some high profile Republicans have come out against that also.
I think Bush will go down in flames on this one.

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