Saturday, August 28, 2004

I have always heard that one should be careful of what one wishes for. Well, I am been complaining about the lack of warm temperatures here in San Francisco for a number of weeks. Some actually mild readings (62 or so) have been ruined by chilly sea breezes. Anyway, yesterday the fog disappeared, the wind stopped, and the temperature shot up to the mid-eighties. Yikes! What a difference a day made! I will not say another word about the weather the rest of the year. Ha! Actually I like it althougy this apartment does get a little stuffy but at least I am no longer chilly, indoors or out.

The protesters are now descending on NYC and promise to give Bush & Co. a very warm welcome. I hope they make it very hot for him and his supporters.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Oh this is too much. P. J. Corkery reports in his Friday column in the SF Examiner the following:

"Sounds like those Seattle boys: When users in Latin America opened some Microsoft software recently, the program, in Spanish, asked them to specify their gender as either "male" or "bitch"...The Seattle behemoth said the goof was an accident of translation..."

Wow, speaking about losing something in the translation, that little bomb gained something however that gave me my best laugh all week.

Then we have the sad case of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan once again urging a reduction in benefits to baby boomer retirees. Why is it that the rich people in power have no problem saying these things? They've got it made so why should they care? I think a better solution would be to raise payroll taxes and use whatever means possible to increasing funding of Social Security and Medicare. Benefits are already very low and to cut things even more would be immoral. Another solution would be to enroll all citizens in the wonderully generous plan that members of congress have. That would sure spur them on to do what is right before it (SS & MC) or the country went broke but since many seem to be a bunch of cowards who are only beholding to this or that big business, it won't get done in the normal course of events.

Strange story here but leave it to PETA to do something bizarre...

" Wearing underwear and nothing else in public does not constitute indecency, a Massachusetts court declared on Thursday as it tossed out charges against six animal rights protesters.

Members of the group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals were arrested and charged with indecency and disturbing the peace after a chilly rally in March near Harvard University where they stripped to their skivvies and staged a nearly naked pillow fight to protest against fur.

Six months and three court dates later, a Cambridge, Massachusetts, judge threw out the indecency charges against all six PETA members.

All but one of the protesters -- PETA Vice President Dan Mathews -- were also cleared of disturbing the peace. Mathews was ordered to pay a $300 fine.

Mathews told Reuters he was relieved that the indecent exposure charges were dismissed, noting that a conviction on such a charge would have forced him and the other demonstrators to register as sex offenders in Massachusetts."

They say be careful what you wish for. Well, I have complained bitterly recently about the cold and wind here in San Francisco, especially the wind, so yesterday the sun came out early, the wind stopped and the temperature shot up to twenty degrees to something near 80. Whew! Where's the ice? A gradual climb to that would be OK but not in one fell swoop, or is that one swell foop??? hahaha Oh well, to look on the brighter side, my apartment is no longer chilly.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

It looks like the Bush lies are getting to some people as there is now a shift in the poles in favor of Bush over Kerry. How revolting that is! If he wins the people that voted for this idiot deserve him but what about the other half of the country? It will be a close election but millions will once again be unrepresented by this illegal president. It is too bad so many people have no sense of history of where we have been nor have any clue as to where we are going. No, they believe the fucking bully who believes in attacking other countries if they appear to have some mysterious weapons of mass destruction.
While it wasn't a dark and stormy night in SF, it was certainly turbulent in my mind as various nightmares in living color ruined my sleep and woke me up at 6:10 AM instead of the intended time of 7:00 AM. The dreams included everything from being in a highrise fire at work (although the building didn't look that modern) to ejecting two people from some unknown event for cutting in line only to have their older brothers come looking for me later. Yikes! My initial reaction to the line jumping was to pour coffee on the offenders. I wonder what that would have resulted in. Anyway, I mercifully awoke early and then wondered if I talked, mumbled, or shouted during my dreaming periods. (I know people who do that.) Now it is daytime and I have a lot to ponder including how I treat people so at least one of the dreams has some value even though there was blame enough to go around.

Well, here it is almost Friday (What do I care anyway? Each day is the same these days.) I guess I should treat the weekends as weekends in order to keep tract of what is going on. In retirement I find that one must look at the calendar more often, or, the time and date display at the bottom of the computer screen.

I see that the Rupublicans are still pushing for a constitutionial ban on same-sex marriage. No matter what one's personal views on the matter, the constitution should be left alone. It is the framework on which this country was built. Lesser important issues can be handled by enacting other laws, not by writing them into the constitution and same-sex marriage, which is really a civil issue to begin with, is one such matter. As Vice-President Dick Cheney has said this week, two people should be allowed to enter into any sort of relationship they want and the issue should be left to the various states and not be pre-empted by a change to the U.S. constitution. (Way to go Dick!) This is also the first time I have ever agreed with him on anything.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Several letters writers to the Chronicle this week have complained about the intolerance in this area and they have a valid point unfortunately they don't seem to see the intolerance on the other side of the issue. It started with someone who complained about a Bush/Cheney bumpersticker being ripped off his car. He complained about that act of intolerance to which someone else justified it by saying he/us could not or should not stand for the intolerance exhibited by the Bush/Cheney regime. Then someone else wrote in to report that her Kerry/Edwards sign had been stolen.

Come on folks. This is the 21st Century and this is SUPPOSED to be a tolerant city but in recent years it has proved itself to be otherwise. This city is so intolerant of difference, of change, of anything new, that it makes me want to puke. A good example is the boring architecture of this city. Even the newest icon of SF, the Transamerica Building, was ridiculed when it was first proposed. Now it is a landmark. Other proposed buildings have suffered similar fate with the new de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park going through many negative decisions before the planning commission before construction started. A new Prada store near Union Square was stopped by the narrow minded traditionalists.

Then we have those who cannot accept the outcome of ballot propositions who gather signatures for another vote to overturn the first and if that works, the first group comes back in hopes of overturning the second vote.

Sometimes this city seems very small town in its attitude. Yes, it is tolerant of non-traditional lifestyles even to the point of not doing what is necessary to get the homeless and crazies off our streets. This city if overrun by dirty bums who litter doorways, and leave all sorts of garbage around and turn the city into one huge toilet. It seems like they have more rights than the citizens who live and work here. When the city tries to do something someone starts screaming that the proposal is a violation of their (the bums) constitional rights. What about our rights???????????????????? Don't they count?????????????????

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Good day today although did not accomplish much. Donn and I had lunch at the 21st Amendment on Second Street. That was fun, the brew was good, and the food as good. After that we walked around the neighborhood to walk off the lunch and get an airing. Also, Donn had never seen that part of the city previously. We both toddled off to our respective domiciles after that and I took a lie down as the Aussies might say. After I woke up I started catching up on my e-mail and had a cup of coffee (with sugar of all things) while doing so. (I usually use Equal.) Now it is dinner time but I am not particularly hungry. Should I have some soup and crackers? What?

I have refrained from watching the news on TV or listening to it on the radio for several days now as I am trying to avoid George W. Bush and his nonsense. I usually get my news on-line, first via SF in the morning and then via Reuters or CNN throughout the day. This way I can pick and chose what to view.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Where did the year go, or, where is it going?

One down...four to go...for you working folks. Two down...five to go for us retired folk. Oh whoopee. Sounds better if you are still working but it shouldn't. Just think however, that only four months to Christmas from this Wednesday 25 August 2004. Oh, whoopee again! Arrghhhh............

Sunday, August 22, 2004

I was going to write something here but I forgot what it was. That is one of the dangers of OTD. Perhaps later, whenever that is. Is it today or is it tomorrow? Yesterday, whenever that was, I saw a t-shirt that I thought I might like to buy. It said "I See Dancing People". Would love to wear that to a dance club but perhaps my eyes deceived me and it said something else. My problem with any t-shirt that has a message, is that the font size is too damn big. I don't want to hit people over the head with it...just make them look and think about it.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Today got off to a bad start. My clock radio came on at 7 AM and the first thing I heard was that Bush is catching up to Kerry in the poles. I could in no way tolerate living in this country if the neo-fascists of his regime are granted another four years to wreak havoc on what once was a great country. I guess I need to pray for a miracle at this point in my life.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

This is not your average Asian or person of any ethnicity for that matter but it it is an interesting story. He also has a website on which more information is available including a number of photos which include one taken at a very young age.

Then there is the story of the beer guzzling bear:

A black bear was found passed out at a campground in Washington state recently after guzzling down three dozen cans of a local beer, a campground worker said on Wednesday.

"We noticed a bear sleeping on the common lawn and wondered what was going on until we discovered that there were a lot of beer cans lying around," said Lisa Broxson, a worker at the Baker Lake Resort, 80 miles northeast of Seattle.

The hard-drinking bear, estimated to be about two years old, broke into campers' coolers and, using his claws and teeth to open the cans, swilled down the suds.

It turns out the bear was a bit of a beer sophisticate. He tried a mass-market Busch beer, but switched to Rainier Beer, a local ale, and stuck with it for his drinking binge.

Wildlife agents chased the bear away, but it returned the next day, said Broxson.

They set a trap using as bait some doughnuts, honey and two cans of Rainier Beer. It worked, and the bear was captured for relocation.

Where have all the people gone? Perhaps they never arrived? Well, the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics had a full stadium but there have been many, many empty seats since then. Are the ticket prices too high? Are the venues too big? Did everyone decide to go somewhere else after the opening night? What in the world is going on? Well, if people in Greece feel as I do, it is a big yawn. I can't even get interested in the few summer events that I like. Even the gymnastics have not been able to hold my attention as they usually do.

For me anyway, I think my attention is focused too much on the upcoming presidential election which could be the most critical one in the history of this country. San Francisco Opera Music Director Donald Runnicles, according to some reports, has indicated he will no longer work in this country if Bush wins re-election. I agree with his feelings on this matter but as a retired person of limited means my options are fewer however I would be tempted to seek a retirement Visa in Thailand. The economics of such a deal are the least of the problems given the lost cost of living there and what my retirement income is in U.S. dollars and how they translates to Thai Baht.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Today began with a chuckle as I read Matier & Ross' column in the Chronicle about the Episcopal Bishop of San Francisco, a retired Episcopal priest, and a thrice divorced Episcopal priest. I was giggling the rest of the morning over that one.

Later in the morning I went to the Metreon to see Collateral with Tom Cruise and Jamie Foxx. I thought it was excellent, possibly one of the best movies I have seen this year. Jamie Foxx was excellent as the cab driver going through a lot of changes as he had to deal with the hit man played by Cruise. The hit man was basically one dimensional but then what mafia hit man type isn't? I was torn up in knots during several scenes and left the theater exhausted. I think I walked out in a daze as I saw few of the many people in downtown SF as I made my way to the bus stop. Highly recommended!

Monday, August 16, 2004

Some other comments on current happenings:

"If New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey was doing a poor job running his state, he should resign. If he is just resigning over a personal matter that really is of no concern to anyone other than his family, then shame on him for tendering his resignation.

I am so tired of our politics continuing to bring personal matters into the political arena. Americans may not appreciate the parliamentary system used in Canada, but at least our northern friends don't drag personal issues into the spotlight in an effort to destroy someone's political career.

It's no wonder that we can't get the best to run for the highest office in this country. If it's not the poor pay, it's the focus on personal improprieties.

For crying out loud, Thomas Jefferson had a child with his slave. In today's political environment, the flirtatious Benjamin Franklin would never have made it into any office. And what about John F. Kennedy?

Gov. McGreevey should not resign because he is married and happens to be gay. That's none of our business."

The above comments come from one letter to the editor in today's newspaper with which I totally agree.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

So why is New Jersey governor, James McGreevey, resigning? Just because he is gay???? He should retain his post. It is the two-faced liars that hurt gay people everywhere who should resign, not the ones who have the guts to admit who and what they are.
Whoever selects the names for the season's hurricanes missed a golden opportunity for name pairs. Had he or she chosen Clyde for the letter C we would now have "Bonnie & Clyde" heading for Florida, but no, we have Bonnie and Charley. That doesn't sound right.

Time for a new football season and none too soon as the SF Giants fade into oblivion. They are now firmly entrenched in third place in the NL-West and in third place for the NL Wild Card slot. It would take a sudden resurgence in the team along with a total collapse of the Cubs and Padres to help improve the Giants' standing and that isn't going to happen .

Planning for my next trip to Thailand is turning out to be somewhat of a problem. I have the airline tickets to Bangkok and Chiang Mai and hotel reservations for my one week in Chiang Mai but Bangkok hotels are proving to be a problem this time in trying to complete the transactions. Oh, it will work out. I am early as I never leave things like this to the last minute but any time a glitch occurs I start getting nervous.

This month is nearly half over and then once we are into September time will go by even more rapidly. The NFL season opens, the SF Opera & Symphony seasons opens, the weather warms up (hopefully) and the numbers of tourists thin out. Hopefully the first to go will be the crude people who stick their video cameras into everything including your face.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

It's amazing how rude people with video cameras can be. I realize that mom & pop shooting snap shots of the kids are not too savvy about how to use cameras but at least they don't get in your face with their still cameras. They might be oblivious of their surroundings and snap photos as people inadvertently walk through the scene but people with video cameras are dangerous as they continue to aim at anything and everything. Case in point: today as I walked down Grant Street towards Market Street some 25-something idiot with video camera glued to his eyes was walking down the middle of the sidewalk shooting all the store fronts. He didn't even stop as I entered the scene so as I got near and in direct line of sight simply said: "Having fun?", which did result in him taking his eyeball out of the view finder to look at me but then he continued on up the street doing the same thing. For all I know he could have been a terrorist "casin' the joint" as they say. Later in the day I saw someone in the middle of the Ferry Building plaza panning around the plaza, again at eye level, of everything in sight. What kind of home video is that? What do these people find so interesting about store fronts? But I main concern is a de facto invasion of privacy here. I do not want to be in their videos. If I were shooting such scenes they would be composed completely differently as would take into account pedestrian traffic in the area. These amateur videographers are a menace at the very least.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

I have just survived my third colonoscopy in six years. Fortunately this one was clear so the next one is not due for another five years. The procedure is simple enough but the terrible tasting medicine used in preparation is something else. In this case it was 4 liters of something called TriLyte and even with pineapple flavoring added, it became very difficult to swallow as I neared the end of the process.

Not so simple is street repairs here in San Francisco. There is no coordination between various city departments as to who will dig up what and when. Then when each project is finished they just patch over the area that was just dug up and they usually do a lousy job of that so that the patches need repairing. As it stands now, the street out front has many patches, all of which need additional patches to cope with the crumbling asphalt, etc. This city continues to have the worst streets of any city I have ever been in (London, Singapore, Shanghai, Taipei, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and many cities in France).

As for digging up the streets, in recent years it has been the telephone company, P.G. & E. with new gas lines or electric cables, some independent company laying fibre optic cables, and now the water department putting in new water mains. When finished they just patch the one foot strip or whatever width it was when the whole street should be repaved as these patches all fall apartment within a few months.

With the Giants sinking or at least not doing too well, I am losing interest in this baseball season so with the Summer Olympics opening Friday night there may be something of interest on TV for at least the next two weeks. Actually I prefer the Winter Olympics however I do enjoy the gymnastics and the diving events. (Oh, where art thou Mark Spitz? ha ha ha) Also, the NFL season opens soon.
This building is finally getting a new door buzzer system but it is one tied to the telephone lines so now I will have to add call waiting to my telephone service to avoid having someone get a busy signal downstairs. Could this be called a de facto rent increase?

Sunday, August 08, 2004


The following piece, sent to me via e-mail, is entitled "Bush's New America".
Operator: Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I have your national
ID number?

Customer: Hi, I'd like to place an order.

Operator: I must have your NIDN first, sir.

Customer: My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, eh, it's

Operator: Thank you Mr Sheehan. I see you live at 1742 Meadowland
Drive, and the phone number is 494-2366. Your office number over at
Lincoln Insurance is 745-2302 and your cell number is 266-2566.
Email address Which
number are you calling from sir?

Customer: Huh? I'm at home. Where'd you get all this information?

Operator: We're wired into the HSS, sir.

Customer: The HSS, what is that?

Operator: We're wired into the Homeland Security System, sir. This
will add only 15 seconds to your ordering time.

Customer: (sighs) Oh well, I'd like to order a couple of your
All-Meat Special pizzas.

Operator: I don't think that's a good idea, sir.

Customer: Whaddya mean?

Operator: Sir, your medical records and commode sensors indicate
that you've got very high blood pressure and extremely high
cholesterol. Your National Health Care provider won't allow such an
unhealthy choice.

Customer: What?!?! What do you recommend, then?

Operator: You might try our low-fat Soybean Pizza. I'm sure you'll
like it.

Customer: What makes you think I'd like something like that?

Operator: Well, you checked out 'Gourmet Soybean Recipes' from your
local library last week, sir. That's why I made the suggestion.

Customer: All right, all right. Give me two family-sized ones,

Operator: That should be plenty for you, your wife and your four
kids. Your 2 dogs can finish the crusts, sir. Your total is $49.99.

Customer: Lemme give you my credit card number.

Operator: I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid you'll have to pay in cash.
Your credit card balance is over its limit.

Customer: I'll run over to the ATM and get some cash before your
driver gets here.

Operator: That won't work either, sir. Your checking account is

Customer: Never mind! Just send the pizzas. I'll have the cash
ready.How long will it take?

Operator: We're running a little behind, sir. It'll be about 45
minutes, sir. If you're in a hurry you might want to pick 'em up
while you're out getting the cash, but then, carrying pizzas on a motorcycle can be a
little awkward.

Customer: Wait! How do you know I ride a scooter?

Operator: It says here you're in arrears on your car payments, so
your car got repo'ed. But your Harley's paid for and you just filled
the tank yesterday.

Customer: Well, I'll be a #%#^^&$%^$@#

Operator: I'd advise watching your language, sir. You've already got
a July 4, 2003 conviction for cussing out a cop and another one I
see here in September for contempt at your hearing for cussing at a
judge. Oh yes, I see here that you just got out from a 90-day stay
in the State Correctional Facility. Is this your first pizza since
your return to society?

Customer: (speechless)

Operator: Will there be anything else, sir?

Customer: Yes, I have a coupon for a free 2 liter of Coke...

Operator: I'm sorry sir, but our ad's exclusionary clause prevents
us from offering free soda to diabetics. The New Constitution prohibits

Thank you for calling Pizza Hut.
Given the technology that exists, this is possible. In fact, since Hollywood likes to update movies whether or not the original writer wants it, why don't they re-do "1984"? They updated "Manchurian Candidate" so why not "1984"?

Considering that many Asian men tend to be less hairy than Western men, this news story is rather surprising.

Anyway, today will be a long one as I must drink 4 liters of TriLyte in preparation for a colonoscopy tomorrow morning. Can't eat anything until after the procedure although I can drink clear liquids today. By the time I get home tomorrow morning I will be ravenously hungry.

Today's Giants/Cubs game, originally slated for a 1 PM start, has been delayed until 5 PM as it is apparently ESPN's game of the week. I hope my friend in the U.K. can catch it. I am not sure how much of the game I will see however as I may be called to the throne room rather often tonight. Yuck!

Friday, August 06, 2004

Here is a letter to the editor from the Bangkok with which I heartily agree. Certainly whoever came up with this lame brain idea knows nothing about Thailand. Here is that letter...
Bangkok's weather not ideal for cycling see from the Post that public money is to be spent on a further survey to install bicycle lanes along Bangkok streets and that bicycle lanes will be included in all new roads to be built in the city.

I can only wonder if those authorizing this expenditure have ever been on a bicycle, let alone in Bangkok traffic.

The Thai climate is entirely unsuitable for anything other than recreational cycling outside the city.

If one were to try to cycle to work, facilities for a shower and a complete change of clothing would be essential before starting work.

There are no proper facilities to park an expensive bicycle at the workplace without risk of theft, and helmets and sodden clothing must also be properly stored before returning home.

If it rains (as it is while I'm writing), a raincoat is of no use in this climate as one becomes soaked with sweat inside it.

Driving a substantial car on Bangkok streets frightens me. I would feel safer in a tank, but a bicycle is equivalent to charging enemy machine-guns armed with a pea-shooter.

Cycle lanes will presumably take away space at present available to the pedestrian _ when he can wend his way around potholes, election posters, telephone booths and a myriad sprawling vendors.

The only good thing about bicycle lanes is that the phalanx of motorcyclists who charge up and down the sidewalk to short-circuit the traffic on the road, will use them in preference to their present practice.

Just how much taxpayers' money is to be wasted on this project ?

The only thing I can add to this is a big A-MEN!

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Why do I get the feeling that the Academy of Arts University (formerly College) is taking over? Everywhere you turn there is a campus. What shocked me a couple of years was when the old First Congregational Church at Post & Mason became another campus and one of the biggest at the time. Well, now they have outdone themselves by taking over the huge building at Van Ness and Jackson formerly occupied by Copenhagen Furniture. I was even startled to find the apartment building at 1088 Post Street as part of the system but in this case it is a dormitory. Interesting. I once looked at an apartment there about ten years ago before I found the one I am currently occupying. If you don't believe they have a sprawling series of campuses (campi? campii?), just pay attention to the black school buses shuttling students all over town. The day that their sign and logo appears on City Hall is the day I retire. Oh, wait a minute, I am retired. Well, that is the day I move to Timbuktu.

This newest revelation occurred today as I decided to take a hike (long walk?) from my Nob Hill apartment to the Marina Green via Van Ness, Aquatic Park, Fort Mason, St. Francis Yacht Club, and Scott Street with the walk ending on Chestnut Street for lunch at Johnny Rocket's for a good greasy burger and fries. I took the bus home after that and immediately collapsed for an hour's snooze.

By the way, this was not a good day for photos as can be seen (somewhere) in a few photos I took at Aquatic Park but which will never see the light of day.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I haven't done much walking lately and this is something I really enjoy especially since it helps me locate new photographic subjects and/or get new perspectives on old ones. Our weather has been so miserable lately (foggy and chilly) that I have not felt like it but I must bite the bullet and go with the flow as they say. This is typical San Francisco weather so I can't really complain too much. If I do, perhaps I should move. Anyway, the weather is supposed to start warming up during the new few days. Great, just in time for a medical procedure which will take me out of action for two days. Yep, it's colonoscopy time again. Yuck! Actually the procedure ain't that bad, it is just there terrible tasting medicine you have to drink the day before. No matter how they flavor it, it is still pretty sickening. That plus the fasting will leave me ravenously hungry by Monday night.

Another thing I need to do is concentrate on learning how to use my PaintShopPro program more. I still have not done more than the very basics and I want to learn how to use layers to adjust photo qualities and possibly to combine elements from various photos. Most of my time on the computer lately however has been with my scanning project (35mm slides) but at least I am now down to the letter S so I am over halfway complete with this project. I will take a break after that before starting with the 35mm color and black and white film strips.

Another thing I need to do is keep my mind off of politics. The more I see of Bush & Cheney on TV, the sicker I become. I guess that is another good reason to walk alot. That way I can stay away from TV news more often.
Oh, what a life.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I don't believe it. I heard that Shrek II, Harry Potter (the latest one anyway) and Spiderman II have been banned in China. Is that government so insecure that it can't show those movies? The reason for the ban according to my source, is that the movies are too violent. Well, really...I have not seen Shrek II but I saw the first one as an in-flight movie and if the second one is similar, it can not be called violent, at least in any threatening manner.

Canned wine? Yup, just saw it on TV. Apparently it is popular in Singapore and some parts of Australia and another country in that region.

This old intelligence news that Tom Ridge revealed on Sunday somehow seems suspect. Maybe politics is not involved however how many times can the government scream that the sky is falling? What good can this do? Perhaps they might prevent a car or truck bomb from hitting an intended target but a few stolen SCUD missiles sure could change things in a hurry.