Friday, August 27, 2004

Oh this is too much. P. J. Corkery reports in his Friday column in the SF Examiner the following:

"Sounds like those Seattle boys: When users in Latin America opened some Microsoft software recently, the program, in Spanish, asked them to specify their gender as either "male" or "bitch"...The Seattle behemoth said the goof was an accident of translation..."

Wow, speaking about losing something in the translation, that little bomb gained something however that gave me my best laugh all week.

Then we have the sad case of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan once again urging a reduction in benefits to baby boomer retirees. Why is it that the rich people in power have no problem saying these things? They've got it made so why should they care? I think a better solution would be to raise payroll taxes and use whatever means possible to increasing funding of Social Security and Medicare. Benefits are already very low and to cut things even more would be immoral. Another solution would be to enroll all citizens in the wonderully generous plan that members of congress have. That would sure spur them on to do what is right before it (SS & MC) or the country went broke but since many seem to be a bunch of cowards who are only beholding to this or that big business, it won't get done in the normal course of events.

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