According to channel 4, KRON-TV, the Muni has seen fit to re-route the subway portion of their 3rd Street light rail project under Fourth Street instead of jogging over to Third Street, a decision which had always puzzled me. The Fourth Street route is natural as they are building a new bridge to get across the channel on Fourth Street and this will make it easier to connect the new Market Street Station with the existing facilities there and then continue under Stockton Street to Chinatown. The Third Street route would have necessitated a tight left turn at Market/Geary/Kearny and then a tight right turn at Geary and Stockton neither of which would have been easy to do considering the number of buildings that they will have to tunnel under in the process. The Fourth Street route will be less costly. Target date for the new subway is sometime in 2011 or 2012 I think. This will be an interesting project. I hope I am still around to see it through to completion. I was not living in the area during the original BART construction but this relative short stretch of subway will be much more complex when you consider that it has to go under that BART subway and will be farily deep in the gound as it goes under the eastern edge of Nob Hill to Stockton and Clay Streets. I just wish the Muni would correct their webpage which features information about that project. It is too big to be displayed on my monitor anyway and has no horizontal scroll bar so I cannot see the dates for each segment of the project. You can check it out here. Perhaps you will have better luck in viewing the last column, the one with the anticipated completiong dates.
Also in the news today is this item about an early and fast delivery in Thailand.
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