Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Is hope still alive?

I see that the House of Representatives has rejected an anti-gay amenedment on same sex marriage. Also, the Senate has approved a bill supporting stem cell research. There yet may be hope to beat back the Bush and his minions on these matters. But no matter, I want to leave the country anyway. This is the pits no matter how you look at it. It stinks from one end to the the other and there is little hope that it will be getting any better during the next thirty years which is the most I can expect out of this old frail body of mine anyway.

The war in the Middle East also has the ability to knock everyone on their collective asses as what we have sown for the past sixty years or so is about to come home and destroy us. I just hope I can complete my next two vacations to France and to Thailand before the bottom falls out of this. In fact, if I should get stuck in one country or the other, well, oh poor me. What would I ever do??? heh heh heh

Bush is such an airhead. I have never seen such a dimwit in my lifetime. This has nothing to do with disagreeing with his policies at all. He is just so damn stupid! No ifs, ands, or butts. He is a embarrassment to this country and to the world!

So who are the major parties going to nominate for the 2008 elections? I hate to think. I hear rumors that Gov. Romney (R-Massachusetts) (Mussolini II) is considering running with John McCain (he should know better) as his running mate. Then we have Hillary Clinton, a popular Democrat who is probably too conservative for her own good. Oh god, it is so damn hopeless. How do we get this country back to the middle of the road and beat back these damn Christian fundamentalists who want to resurrect the Roman Inquisition to meet their own agenda. To hell with them all.

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