Thursday, October 05, 2006

There are days and then there are days...

Why, with all of this news about pedophiles and child molesters do I suddenly hear the old song "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" as sung by Maurice Chevalier when he was of advanced years? Hopefully my mind is tying together things which are unrelated here but still...

As for Rep. Tom Foley, what an idiot!?!?!?!?!? What did he think he was doing? As a gay man I must condemn his actions just as much as anyone else. When you are in the public trust in Congress this is unconsciosnable that this would be done by anyone. My biggest regret however, is that this person's actions might give the extreme right and other unstable types, excuses for attacking gay people in general and Tom Foley is NOT representative of Gay America however I doubt that Jerry Foulwell and others will be convinced otherwise.

This is enough to drive a man to drinking and that is what I did tonight as I said good-bye to some friends at my local watering hole. Good-bye because I will soon be leaving for Paris for ten days. I have not been there since September 2001 and really look forward to this journey.

I am still marveling over the newly expanded Westfield SF Shopping Center and returned today to buy some things at Bristol Farms Grocery. Their deli counters (yes plural) are to die for. At least they provide me with an additional reason to go downtown and pig out. Ha!

Guess I will go out again later tonight as I want check in with Kiyo. I said good-bye to Savio earlier tonight but still need to see a few other people before my departure.

Hopefully the world will not fall apart during the next two weeks, nor the next five months either, so I can complete my scheduled vacation journeys.

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