Sunday, February 17, 2008

As I was reading the newspaper this morning several items started to cause my blood pressure to go up a bit but then I found this wonderful letter to the editor which calmed me down. It is good to know that some people have their heads on straight as they say.

Editor - As a Muslim, learning of the republication of the caricatures of Prophet Muhammad made my heart bleed.

Presenting hurtful speech under the guise of freedom is shameful, but the caricatures publishers do have a point - who do these Muslims think they are? Since when do Muslims, or any party, have the authority to compel others to conform to their standards?

Did the Christians not peacefully protest the hurtful and ill-mannered "Piss Christ" and Ecce Homo exhibits? And when Christ's honor was being maligned, where were these Muslims?

Instead of observing decorum, the teddy bear and "The Satanic Verses" incidents incited madness amongst these same Muslims. Have they forgotten Prophet Muhammad not only forgave, but lead the funeral prayer of Abdullah Ubay bin Salul, the same man who spread the cruel and horrid lie that Prophet Muhammad's wife had committed adultery?

Indeed, who do these Muslims think they are?

ANEES AHMAD Waterloo, N.Y.


1 comment:

MP said...

This is Anees - i wrote this letter ... i just chanced upon your blog and found that you liked it - im glad it made your day at least a little better