Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oh, this is interesting.

Not too many years ago there was a swarm of minor earthquakes near or under Peavine Mountain. Reno sits on the southeastern flank of that mountain which is an extinct volvano. I had the chance to go to the top one time when I was a teenager and saw the remanants of the cone. Two sides have been worn down by the elements over the centuries but there is a bowl and it is full of volcanic rock (obsidian). From Reno, however, one only sees a peak, no cone, due to centuries of erosion. There were several other outcroppings of the same rock lower down the mountain but new housing developments have covered those areas. At the time seismologists at the U. of N.-Reno said there was nothing to this swarm of quakes. they don't seem to know what is going on. Is Peavine coming back to life? By the way, Mogul, which is mentioned in the news article is southwest of Reno but certainly close enough to have interconnected lava tubes to the mountain.

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