Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hot in San Francisco

This was a picture perfect day in San Francisco as our temperature soared to the mid-eighties.

My day began with a walk from Fort Mason along Marina Blvd. to Crissy Field and then out to the Golden Gate Bridge. From there I took the #29 bus (should have been on the #28) and the N-JUDAH Muni Metro to downtown for lunch. Then I went home and crashed on the bed from the heat and exhaustion from the long walk - but I enjoyed it. Tomorrow is supposed to be equally warm and there will be the annual Bay-to-Breakers race. That might result in some heat related problems this time. It is usually cool and windy for that race but not this time. It will probably be the drunks who suffer the most from their craziness.

This beach scene pictured above is near Crissy Field west of the Marina area and somewhat west of the crowded part of the beach.

I see where there is a big rise in the bed bug problem in the U.S., the biggest increase since WWII. They can be dealt with but it takes vigilance and immediate action. There are things available on the Internet to fight them and when I had a small problem about 18 months ago I purchased two products which brought and end to the problem within a few weeks. I also sealed up a couple of holes in the walls where they could have entered from another unit or building. Where the original critters came from is anyone's guess although I do know someone who lives in a residential hotel o Polk Street where that has been a bug problem. He and I used to go to Happy Hour at a local watering hole (now closed) so some could have hitched a ride on him or his clothing and bed bugs are notorious for doing that.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

Beautiful sky. Looks like a beautiful day for the beach.