Monday, November 24, 2014

Medicare, etc.

Well, the City & Country of SF Fire Department has finally billed Medicare for that three block ambulance ride in March 2013.  I just hope they bill for the current date otherwise the claim might not be paid due to its being over one year old.  Sheila did know however to bill Medicare as my prime insurance and that they in turn will send along the claim to Anthem Blue Cross.  I am glad that I went down to City Hall last week as that act alone seemed to get the ball rolling.  Prior to that everything seemed to be stuck in neutral.

I've enjoyed the recent rain (finally) and now there is more on the way for this next weekend.  Yippee!  We will need several "normal" years however to recoup what has been lost during the recent years of the drought.

Thanksgiving Dinner this week with the "usual suspects" in Oakland.  They are like family now and this has become a tradition at Thanksgiving and Christmas.  BTW, that term has been borrowed from the movie "Casablanca".

Have a great holiday everyone.

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