Monday, October 29, 2018

Violence in America

Life is full of uncertainties.  Two well known ones are weather forecasting and psychology.  Who can predict with certainly that it will or won't rain tomorrow?  Who can predict with certainty that a neighbor is a maniac who harbors evil thoughts about his neighbors and will act upon his impulses.  Some say gun control is the answer to violence in this country.  It is really only part of the problem.  While it is true that no private citizen need possess a weapon of war such as an AR-15, what are you to do about those who would find other methods of mass destruction such as home made bombs or the automobile or truck driven into a crowd of people.  As they say, if there is a will there is a way.  What this country needs is to do is modify the First Amendment, stand up to the NRA and get weapons of war out of the hands of private citizens.  We must also put much more money into mental health care in all its  myriad forms from simple clinics to state hospitals.  This country needs to get serious about the problem and finding politicians with the guts to do what is right before we all get mowed down in churches, synagogues, movie theaters, schools, night clubs, and rock concerts.

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