Such madness
If anyone has ever wondered why much of the world cannot get along with the extremists in the Muslim world, you need only look once again to the ridiculous scene being played out in the annual haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia where 244 people were killed in a stampede. Why? Just to throw stones at a pillars representing the devil? How utterly ignorant and stupid! Why not a statue of George Bush? heh heh That would make more sense. No, really, each year this happens. It is an exercise in futility and each year people get crushed to death in the process and for what? It hasn't improved world conditions. Why don't they do something positive for a change?
Also in the news today is a report about another suicide bombing in Iraq in which 56 people were killed. Won't this killing ever stop? And all of this from the beginning of time has been over control and/or ownership of land. Well, we don't own this planet. We just live here and should be caretakers of it but NO, some people have the idea that they can draw lines in the sand and say this is mine and that is yours. Until this attitude stops, there will always be wars. When I read about these violent acts, I just want to go out and strangle such idiots. Hmm...
Then there are news stories about odd happenings such as the following. (One of two I read today from Arkansas.)
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Reuters) - For the second time since December, cell doors at the Arkansas prison housing the state's death row inmates were accidentally unlocked, prison officials said on Thursday.
No one left their cells when a guard unlocked 26 doors on death row at Varner prison, about 70 miles southeast of Little Rock, for three minutes on Wednesday.
"They (the prisoners) sat there. They didn't move. But the death row inmates are the best behaved inmates in prison," said Dina Tyler, spokeswoman for the Arkansas prison system.
In December, an electrical fault opened all doors in a cellblock housing violent prisoners such as murderers and rapists. Dozens of inmates ventured into a corridor and one of them was killed.
An inmate is expected to be charged with the killing within days, Tyler said.
The guard responsible for the latest death row incident has been fired.
The other story from Arkansas was about a lawyer mailing a poisonous snake to someone whom he had been feuding with.
My favorite "oops" story of all time (so far anyway) is about the person who boarded an airliner thinking it was going to Oakland California only to end up in Aukland, New Zealand. How did that person even get past the check-out counter is beyond me but it was an interesting story anyway.
Oh well, I have only one thing to say in closing.