Sunday, April 11, 2004

Easter Sunday rant

For those of you who read this (all two of you) you know how upsetting world events are to me these days. Therefore I dislike watching the news much of the time on TV. I still enjoy the letters to the editor sections of newspapers, that is, when the extreme left or the extreme right, is not attacking the other side instead of putting forth a message of importance. There was a letter to the editor of the Chronicle today which caught my attention as I sure agree with everything this person wrote. Hopefully, that person will not mind my copying the letter verbatim.

"The deep gloom that has settled over this country since Sept. 11, 2001, is not al Qaeda's doing. It is President Bush's.

Osama bin Laden's strategic objective was to provoke the United States into a blundering overreaction, which is exactly what Bush has given him, and then some.

The administration dragged us into Iraq with a pack of lies and no exit strategy. They've looted the U.S. Treasury to pay for tax cuts for the rich. They've ruptured longstanding international alliances. They've inflamed the Muslin world against us.

The Bush Administration is a malignancy on our country that must be removed before it destroys us."

And to that I would add - A-men.

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