Saturday, April 24, 2004

What next?

That is a rhetorical question. I am thinking outloud here. It was a beautiful day and since I did not feel like suffering through five hours of faulty Internet reception from WQXR-FM. I like Gotterdammerung too much to suffer static and minute interruptions for that long, so, I went out to the Japan Center complex for the Cherry Blossom Festival. That turned out to be a good decision except that I forgot to take my camera. I got to see and here SF Taiko Dojo which I had feared I wouldn't for some reason. Anyway I watched them and a purification ceremony performed by Buddhist Monks and I a Teriyaki Burger for lunch. By the way, the scenery was beautiful on this very warm day. So what next? I have been asking myself that ever since I returned home. Should I do something else? Go out tonight? Resume with my slide scanning project? What? Well, as it has turned out, none of the above. [clunk!]

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