Saturday, September 25, 2004

Halloween is rapidly approaching. That is not scary but what is is the fact that three months from today is Christmas. Yikes! Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? I haven't and don't plan to. That is, I only need one gift and I am never sure what to buy that one person so I gave up years ago trying to figure it out. Now I just buy whatever pops into my mind at the last minute. Ha!
Attorney-General Rumsfeld continues to make an ass of himself. No matter what he says, he sounds so much like a whiney, frustrated little boy who can't get anyone to believe what he says. "The sky is falling, the sky is falling". Or - "things are improving in Iraq". If he would like to spend a few billion of pentagon funds in the Bay Area, I have a couple of lovely bridges that I would like to sell him.

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