Tuesday, September 28, 2004

"Strong Quake Strikes California" is the headline that I am seeing on serveral Internet newsites. Oh, come on, give me a break. It was only a small one and it was in a rural area. It didn't even do any damage In Paso Robles which suffered from another quake last December. The press in this country is out of control. They are either exaggerating stories of not asking the right questions especially when it comes to getting the truth from politicians and their cronies. I think they should all go back to journalism school but then again, maybe the schools of journalism are the real problem. Anyway, one report I heard said it was felt as far north a San Francisco. Really? I didn't feel it. In fact, I never felt any of the aftershocks following the 1989 Loma Prieta quake which occurred a lot closer to this city than this latest temblor in Parkfield.

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