Saturday, November 06, 2004

Hopefully the dust has settled by now and we can start working for the future. Unfortunately, that won't be the case as the religious conservatives attempt to set this nation back a number of years as they ram their version of morality down everyone's throats. There is probably little one can do about that at the moment however I would like to ask some questions in the meantime.

How much longer will the war in Iraq grind on? How many more lives will be lost in the process? What will Bush do about nuclear weapons in existence or under development in Iran and North Korea? What would China do if we attacked North Korea? What would the Muslim world do if we attacked Iran? How does Bush & Co. plan to "improve" Social Security"? What plan does Bush have for ensuring that all Americans have health care? Who will Bush appoint to replace Chief Justice William Rehnquist? Who will then be appointed to fill the vacany on the court? Oh, the questions go on and on.

Those who voted for Bush might wake up in four years and find they will have many regrets.

Christopher Cain wrote an excellent article in the San Francisco Examiner this week regarding many of the issues regarding our freedoms. It should be read by all who value what this country stands for. In that article he links to an excellent website about the Declaration of Independence. That is another must read.

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