Wednesday, November 24, 2004

This is a step in the right direction (hydrogen fuel cells) which you can read about here.

Then too, we are not always going in the right direction. This year's election is a good example and many of us are worried about the direction this country is going. One letter to the editor of a local newspaper expressed these thougths very well this morning thusly:

"It hurts my heart to read the letters sneering at artists who genuinely fear for this country, especially when their fears are not unfounded.

Do the people who sneer not understand that half the people in this country (not just artists) feel we are in serious peril? Or does it take the vision of an artist to see what lies ahead if things do not change?

We have a president who does not have the judgment or intelligence to be a leader -- especially of a country of this size -- and who does not believe that he has to answer to the American public for his actions, and does believe, as he says, that he is accountable only to his "heavenly father."

Do the ones who sneer not see that we no longer have the checks and balances of a democracy and that that can lead to corrupt power? Do they not read history?

Do they not understand that our environment is at serious risk? That our young men and women are dying in a war that appears more and more unwinnable? And unaffordable?

Greenspan is warning us that our deficit could cause European countries to withdraw their investments in this country. What then?

And don't they see the danger in cutting access to women's reproductive health?

If the women who can least afford babies are forced to have them, who will take care of them?

Are the sneerers actively working toward solutions to these problems? Or just hoping their president does the right thing?

I truly wish I could share their belief that everything is going to be just fine. I'd certainly sleep better."

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