Wednesday, November 30, 2005
As for the SF Muni, I saw an opened condom on a seat yesterday but was not close enough to see if the unwrapped item was new or used. Ha! I suppose that is slightly better than being attacked by cockroaches on the Muni although I must admit it has been a few years since seeing any of those critters scurrying around.
Now here is a good thought for the day from a Chronicle reader: "Evolution is "intelligent design." God knows how to delegate responsibility and development."
Our weather is finally obeying the calender and acting like November and December. No more sunny days in the seventies. Now we have temperatures in the fifties with rain storms passing through now and then. This also makes for a nice gooey ice rink at Justin Hermann Plaza.
Still have not begun my Christmas shopping (all one gift) as I still do not know what to buy. Maybe it will be back to the gift card routine this year plus an assortment of other items in my "care package".
Oh, I almost forgot. My pending projects are still pending. That is cleaning out my closets and computer desk plus other assorted "bankers boxes" surrounding the computer desk as well as a drawer in a nightstand and other assorted junk from under the bed and behind the sofa. Perhaps it is time for a yard sale but I don't have a yard. How about a garage sale? I don't have a garage. How about a sidewalk sale? Well, that would be fine if I had anything that other people would want. Can't see foisting off some of this stuff on other poor unsuspecting souls however.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Black Friday?
Friday, November 25, 2005
Enough is enough
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Turkey Day
Here in San Francisco on a the coldest day of the season, it seems rather bleak outside with gray skies and a storm threatening to arrive later tonight...probably about the time I come home from dinner. It is so quiet today even in this apartment building. You would think that everyone had left town. Well, not quite. The guy who lives next door and plays his stereo rather loudy has been in and out. When in my walls vibrate with the thumping bass of whatever he is listening to. Strange neighbor he is as sometimes I hear moans or loud cries and such exclamatins as "Stop that. That hurts." Those will be followed by "aarrghhh". One warm day not too long ago when everyone had their windows open I discovered the sound of another voice coming from the aparment, another male voice. Hmm...does he and his friend practice some sort of ritualistic S&M? The first time I heard it I was ready to call 911 but then I realized that the screams were rather "controlled" and did not seem to be a cry for help.
Anyway, I just took a walk to the ATM (four blocks) and despite wearing my heavy winter jacket I still felt cold. It was the wind as usual. The temperature on my patio is now 53F which is about ten degrees colder than yesterday and 20 degrees colder than the previous day. No wonder it feels so cold now. Well, I hope the hot tea I just prepared helps out a bit.
This Saturday I will have my last opera of the current run. The 05/06 season concludes with three more productions in May and June 2006 however and I will still have a few symphony concerts scattered out during the next seven months.
This day may be quiet but it will be complete chaos tomorrow in Union Square and other areas of downtown as the Christmas madness begins so get set to "shop till you drop". Well, not I, not I. I will try to avoid the crowds by doing what little shopping I have to do as early in the day as possible. Then one month from tomorrow I will join my friends in Oakland on Christmas Day for dinner there. A couple of weeks after that I am off to Thailand once again. It will be so good to get out of town during the coldest month of the year. Now, having said that, a friend who knows I have been entertaining the thought of moving to New York City might wonder what I would do there when it REALLY gets cold. The wimpy weather here is nothing in comparison. Well, I know, I know, it seems paradoxical to want to go to warm Thailand in January and also want to move to cold NYC. Well, there are reasons for both desires but since my budget will probably not permit a move to either location, it is probably a moot point. In either case, I should have done it earlier in my life. My friends who have moved to Thailand did so when they were 40-something. Well, those days are sure behind me now and while my health is good, I do not know how much longer it will be. That could be a concern in the future for reasons which are too numerous and personal to go into here. Medical care in Bangkok and a few other places is good so that is not a reason for any hesitation on my part however.
I guess I should just be thankful for what I have now and enjoy my life here until such time that I can see my way clear to make any sort of change to any new locale of interest. Should the Republican re-take the White House in 2008 however, all bets are off, and I will bail out come hell or high water.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Listen and pull-out
On another matter, the Catholic Church continues to dig its own grave. A new document soon to be released will bar gay men from the priesthood. At the same time, it is estimated that 25 to 50% on the men in seminaries in the U.S. are gay while at the same time, the officials in Rome will not allow married priests. I wonder what they will do for priests when all the old straight (?) men now in the priesthood die and there are no more candidates for the priesthood?
Monday, November 21, 2005
Bad Act(s)
Of course not: Birds and dominoes don't mix.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Learn Greek
Friday, November 18, 2005
Dumb ideas
Then on a different matter, I have news for Eleanor Traeg of Los Gatos: Our troops are not in Iraq to protect this country. They were sent there to topple Saddam Huseein, which they did, but now there is no exit strategy. So sad.
As for the controvery over the new de Young Museum, just wait a few years and the copper siding will oxidise as it corrodes and will turn to a light green color (patina) and blend in with the trees. Maybe then critics will not be so unforgiving.
As for buildings in general in San Francisco, they are so boring. People should take a look at the new and exciting buildings put up in other cities around the world. No, I am not saying they are all good. The biggest failure of all that I know of is the Pompidou Centre in Paris but atrocities like that are rare. This city, has no imagination and is too conservative in those matters.
And yet another dumb ideas for dummies: "intelligent design". No, I am not saying there is no god, just not the one as portrayed in Christian mythology. There may be an intelligent design however it is laughable that some people are saying that the "universe is so complex, that is must have been created by a higher power". Of course it was. The human race is not the most intelligent thing going in this or any other universe but other powers are simply unknown or unknowable at this time in the evolution of the human race and/or the universe itself. Science studies these things, religion does not. It simply buries its head in the sand and says "God created it" so why look any further. At least there is one person at the Vatican willing to research the history of the universe.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Big, bad, and ugly
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Say what?
Say, who is that woman who robs banks while talking on her cell phone.? Is there anyone home on either end of the call?
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Problems and boredom?
As for upcoming events there is the San Francisco Symphony tomorrow night for Carl Orff's Carmina Burana but unfortunately it is their new Friday night series at an early time (6:30 PM) which features talks from the stage. I think I should have selected the Wednesday or Thursday concert in this series as I fear there will be an entirely different audience there at 6:30 PM tomorrow, one which, well, doesn't know much about classical music and need to be led by the hand in trying to enjoy this piece.
Then on Saturday evening it will be back to the Opera House for Beethoven's Fidelio. I enjoyed that in rehearsal last week and it will be good to see the finished product and hear Christine Brewer again.
I have a lot of reading to many magazines plus several books. It seems that I can't sit still for too long these days for any of those for some reason. Even with TV programs I have to stand up and walk around during commercial breaks. I wonder now how I make through an hour or more at the Opera House or symphony? Oh, and there is my upcoming 13 hour flight to Taipei followed by another 3 hours to Bangkok. Ouch! Oh, I could put myself to sleep with a lot of wine but then tends to dry out my system, especially my sinuses which in turn causes problems with my ears. Sure could use the transporter from the Enterprise for this. Ha!
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Depressing News
On the home front, the looney "intelligent creation" supporters won and lost this week so that has balanced out for now. Actually, I have no problem with a "power that we know nothing about creating the universe and setting up its laws" but what I do object to is the whole Christian tradition that has turned that power into an "old man" up there somewhere whose son, well, you know the story. I don't see anything "supernatural" about it. It is just that we haven't been around long enough to study the universe(s) and really learn something about their workings.
Currently I am reading A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking and it the most interesting thing I have ever read. I have always been interested in astronomy but quantum physics and related matters have really opened my eyes to some things. The chapter entitled "The Origin and Fate of the Universe" is the most interesting one in this book so far. I am almost speechless with enthusiasm concerning these matters. (OK Scotty, you can beam me up anytime. Mr. Sulu, are you there? Is anyone there?) No seriously folks, sci-fi is nice but the real thing is even more interesting. The study of the origin of all things, of black holes, where the universe(s) has been and where it/they are going are much more interesting than a work of fiction.
"Glory be to the originator, its laws, and to the spirit of all beings. As it was at the big bang, so it is now, and will be forever."
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
They're Rioting in France
They’re rioting in Africa
They’re starving in Spain
There’s hurricanes in Flo-ri-da
And Texas needs rain the whole world is festering with unhappy souls
The French hate the Germans, the Germans hate the Poles
Italians hate Yugoslavs, South Africans hate the Dutch
Well, it seems like the more things change, the more they remain the same. Perhaps they are not starving in Spain but many people in Afghanistan and Iraq are hungry and now the rioting is in France and not Africa although some people of African ancestry are apparently involved.
When will people ever learn? When will the human race grow up? No matter what the grievances of people in slum areas of France, violence is NOT the answer. This will only serve to destabilize the country and possibly create conditions worse than what exist now. The youth of today, be it France or the U.S., has a large segment of mental midgets in it anyway. Sometimes I think some sort of genetic engineering should be done but that won't happen of course. (Think pre-frontal labotomies here.)
I had planned to return to France in 2006 or 2007 as I have not been there since 2001 and wanted to re-visit some of my favorite places in and around Paris. The present situation might force me to put that decision on hold but I am most concerned about the people of France. This is a small band of thugs now but what will happen tomorrow or next week or next month? What will this mean for French politics? Will martial law be invoked? What will happen next?
Friday, November 04, 2005
Glued to toilet seat!
Well, Ms. Rosenberg, General Director of the San Francisco Opera, and her minions have done it again as they have unleashed an atrocity on the boards of the War Memorial with this new production of La Forza del Destino. Verdi must be turning in his grave.