Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Now, I bet that got the attention of some people. My problem seems to be similar to that of Mark Morford who can't decide whether or not it is worth living in San Francisco anymore. It seems to be one of economics vs. the quality of life. Anyway, it is a condundrum.

As for the SF Muni, I saw an opened condom on a seat yesterday but was not close enough to see if the unwrapped item was new or used. Ha! I suppose that is slightly better than being attacked by cockroaches on the Muni although I must admit it has been a few years since seeing any of those critters scurrying around.

Now here is a good thought for the day from a Chronicle reader: "Evolution is "intelligent design." God knows how to delegate responsibility and development."

Our weather is finally obeying the calender and acting like November and December. No more sunny days in the seventies. Now we have temperatures in the fifties with rain storms passing through now and then. This also makes for a nice gooey ice rink at Justin Hermann Plaza.

Still have not begun my Christmas shopping (all one gift) as I still do not know what to buy. Maybe it will be back to the gift card routine this year plus an assortment of other items in my "care package".

Oh, I almost forgot. My pending projects are still pending. That is cleaning out my closets and computer desk plus other assorted "bankers boxes" surrounding the computer desk as well as a drawer in a nightstand and other assorted junk from under the bed and behind the sofa. Perhaps it is time for a yard sale but I don't have a yard. How about a garage sale? I don't have a garage. How about a sidewalk sale? Well, that would be fine if I had anything that other people would want. Can't see foisting off some of this stuff on other poor unsuspecting souls however.

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