Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Why has CNN dumped Aaron Brown who used to have the Newsnight program at 7 PM PT? Why has Anderson Cooper suddenly been elevated to the main man?

Well, I have those a few hundred other questions I would like to ask but for which there is probably no answer. The networks don't care what the viewers think. The only thing they care about is the bottom line and as long as CNN is not in the red, they aren't about to listen to us peons. (Is that the right word?)

On a different subject: For those who dislike affirmative action in this country, they should take a look at France where there is no such protection for minorities in job hiring. Do Americans really want to risk that in this country? No, there is no excuse for violence and I do not condone it however those who feel helpless and have no hope are apt to do anything to make a point. Do we want to tear this country apart with such a situation. There is already too much prejudice in a peaceful U.S. What would happen in a violent U.S.?

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