Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Another Oops story.

Have you had a bad day recently? Well, whether or not you have, consider this woman's plight.
MELBOURNE (Reuters) - It's every air traveler's secret fear: minutes from landing, you suddenly realize you're on the wrong plane and are about to end up thousands of miles from your intended destination.
That fear came true for an unidentified woman who mistakenly boarded the wrong plane in Los Angeles. Instead of arriving in Hong Kong as she planned, the woman found herself in the southern Australian city of Melbourne on Sunday.
The woman had a boarding pass for a Cathay Pacific flight to Hong Kong but instead boarded a Qantas flight to Melbourne which left earlier from the same gate at Los Angeles international airport, a Qantas spokeswoman said on Tuesday.
She said the mistake happened because a computerized system used to check boarding passes was out of order and ground staff in Los Angeles missed the error.

The woman then sat in an unoccupied seat and did not realize her mistake until minutes before landing, the spokeswoman said.

Australia's Courier-Mail newspaper reported that the Asian woman slept quietly in seat 8C for most of the flight.

The woman arrived in Melbourne without her luggage, which was left in Los Angeles after she failed to board her scheduled flight. Qantas arranged for her to stay in Melbourne on Sunday night and then put her on a flight to Hong Kong, where she was to be reunited with her luggage.
That is what I call taking the scenic route but at least she got home safely.

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