Wednesday, July 30, 2003

It's me again.

Well, if I didn't know better I would think I had never stop writing this drivel. Well, perhaps I did and perhaps I didn't. I just took awhile to resume the practice. Life has been so frantic and depressing at times that I am never sure what to write about next. Certainly the idiots in Washington D.C. are not helping matters and that proposed futures trading on terrorism hit a new low. I hope by now that all concerned have been relieved of their duties. Life is dangerous enough without having some mental retards in the pentagon betting on what terrorists are going to do next and where. I can only hope at this time that all of these blunders will provide the ammunition with which the Democratic party can successfully challenge George, Dick, and whats-his-face Rumsfeld.

Now Secretary-of-State Powell is calling Saddam Hussein "a piece of trash waiting to be collected". Perhaps he is but this is a not very statesman like comment from Mr. Powell. If someone referred to him as a nigger waiting to be hung, that would not be very nice either and neither comment would serve any purpose. This is a good example of our current leaders not setting a high moral tone in their dealings with the world and those who oppose them or us.


Here is a new WMD:

LONDON (Reuters) - An advertisement for budget airline EasyJet featuring a picture of a woman's breasts in a bikini top with a headline "Discover weapons of mass distraction" was not offensive, Britain's advertising watchdog said Wednesday.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) said it had received 186 complaints about the advert from some who said the it was demeaning to women and from others who said it trivialized the war in Iraq.

One of the reasons Britain used to justify taking military action was Iraq's development of weapons of mass destruction.

Easyjet denied the ad was sexist and said it was one of a series of "topical, humorous and irreverent" ads.

The ASA agreed that, although the headline was distasteful, the ad was light-hearted and unlikely to cause any serious or widespread offense.


Anyway, politics here in sunny and/or foggy California, stumbles along and now we have a re-call election slated for Oct. 7th. Will Gov. Davis be re-called and if so, who would take his place? There will be candidates on part two of the ballot but since the state constitution specifies that the Lt. Governor would take over the post of governor should the position become vacant or the governor unable to perform his or her duties for any reason whatsoever. So what happens if Davis is recalled and candidate B gets the most votes? Does this mean that Lt. Governor Bustamente cannot take over or does it mean that candidate B can't take over because the constitution already spells out who takes over. Oi vay...such a mess!?!?

And with that I think I will go play tiddlywinks.

Au revoir...

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