Monday, July 07, 2003

Never on Sunday

Is that the reason I did not write anything yesterday? Dunno but I guess it is good a reason as any.

Oh great, I see a article in the newspaper today that George Bush talks with God and God tells him what to do. Strange, I thought God was on our side. Nothing George has done would prove that. I wonder how his father deals with the shenanigans of his son? Does he approve? Does he disapprove? Or, does he even care?

Well, there are protests and there are protests. He is one that is a little different...

PAMPLONA, Spain (Reuters) - Animal rights activists stripped naked to protest against the running of bulls through the streets of Pamplona, condemning one of Spain's most famous traditions as cruel to animals.

Activists from all over Western Europe had planned to run nude along the route for the annual bull runs, but police in the northern Spanish city said the protest was unauthorized and blocked their way. About 20 men and women went ahead with the protest near the city center however, stripping completely. Some put on plastic horns or fake bull's heads. They were joined by scores of other protesters who kept on all or part of their clothing.

"In the running of the bulls, you have terrified animals slipping and sliding along the cobbled stone streets. Many of them suffer from broken bones," said Sean Gifford, of the U.S.-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals group that organized the Saturday protest.

"At the end of that terrified stampede, a gruesome death in the bullfighting ring awaits them," he said. "Forty thousand bulls are slaughtered in Spanish bullrings every year in the most horrific of ways. This is a tradition that needs to end." The ancient San Fermin festival began on Sunday, kicking off a week of celebrations that attract thousands of tourists from around the world.

Well, I agree with the protesters but running nude with bulls. That is a bunch of bull (pun intended I guess).

Here in San Francisco we get a few nude runners in the Bay-to-Breakers race each year and this year there were a few nude marchers in the Gay Pride Parade. I saw them and they had nothing to be proud about. If I might paraphrase the late Herb Caen, why do all the wrong people feel the need the strip down? I liked what David Niven said when he was streaked at the Academy Awards, "Why do some people like to show off their short comings?", or words to that effect.

Guess I better knock it off here.

Bonne nuit.

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