Saturday, July 31, 2004
Friday, July 30, 2004
"Stop the corporate media spin on the speeches at the Democratic Convention! And do the same for the Republican Convention!
We've heard many meaningful oratories at the Democratic Convention. Unfortunately, these have been followed by "analysis" by corporate media experts that renders the speeches meaningless via biased opinion and speculation.
Let's stop the influence of corporate media. Let the people decide what is right. This is how a clean democracy works. We are not fools."
Oh, I hope I can get through the RNC and the campaign that will follow. Bush will let his dogs out to do as much harm as possible without ever stating anything positive that will help the country and those in most need of help but you can be sure that Cheney and Halliburton will do well if he is re-elected or re-appointed. The coup in 2000 was bloodless but I wonder if another one can be.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
So how has your day been so far? Mine got off to a good start when I read some of the answers to the question "Is Arnold's star starting to dim?" in this morning's Chronicle. I liked the following answers: "Arnold is the junk food of American politics. After the rush comes the crash..."; "Arnold's star started to dim when he implied he would pay for his own campaign and then didn't..."; and my two favorites from those printed, "Let's hope he's seen for what he really is - a charismatic, ignorant front man for moneyed interests..." and "If you mean an inarticulate, misogynistic, fiery mass of ignorance, then no, I would say his star is shining quite brightly". Those last two had me giggling all morning.
Our weather, while breezy today, is warm enough so the wind doesn't matter this time. At least it does not feel like it is off the ocean although I can see the fog handing off the ocean from Nob Hill so it will probably be in rather thickly tonight.
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Friday, July 23, 2004
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Monday, July 19, 2004
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Why do Americans treat our National Anthem as A blues song, a rock song, or some popular song? Fantasia Barino is a good singer and I am glad that she won the American Idol contest but would this sort of singing be allowed with God Save the Queen or Le Marsellaise? Of course not, it is an ANTHEM dummies. Let's sing it as such. PLEASE!
I really think that man needs a complete psychiatric workup and that he should be impeached for unilaterally attacking a defenseless nation who presented no threat to us at all. Individuals present a threat and danger but they are everywhere. How do you invade individuals?
Monday, July 12, 2004
In reference to John Edwards'...lack of experience...Edwards' five years of Senate experience far exceeds that of Bush's six years as governor of Texas.
Bush's experience as a baseball-club executive, where he traded Sammy Sosa for a has-been, and his experience of owning several failed oil companies, hardly qualify as having positive implications.
Bush's foreign-policy experience consisted of negotiating with his next-door neighbor Mexico. (Wow!)
Some in the media have started referring to Edwards as the "rookie" senator from North Carolina. In baseball rookie only refers to the first year players. If being a "first-term" senator qualifies in this regard, why isn't President Bush referred to as a "rookie president"?
Just wondering.
It is amazing how much the extreme right will distort things!
Friday, July 09, 2004
Dirty Politics
Talk about dirty politics, well, the Rebublicans are up to their wallets in it and Ralph Nader, who has disavowed such practices in the past is going along with it this time. Be sure to read this article for the latest dirt.
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
Winter seems to have returned here in San Francisco. They say there is a cooling trend but there never really has been a warming trend. Is it because I am getting older or am I becoming like the Thai people and finding anything below 21 celsius as chilly? I do know that the wind is really bugging me. I am even tempted to turn the heat back on in the apartment but I will try to resist that and just wear a warmer shirt.
No much else going on here. The opera and symphony seasons are over however the Merola Opera program singers for this summer are presenting a concert in Yerba Buena Gardens this coming Sunday which I would like to attend. Then in August the Merola Grand Finale will be held on Saturday for the first time (the 21st) which I always try to attend.
My slide scanning is going well but reading is still a problem as I am procrastinating a lot there even though I have one book to finish and three to start. Oh, there aren't enough hours in a day.
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Others, who have their head stuck in the sand or other places, think Bush is the greatest president ever (or maybe second behind Reagan) which is an outright insult to all other presidents this country has had.
The Bush tank is running on empty and now that Kerry has named John Edwards as his running mate there are those who decry his lack of experience. Well, to look at it one way, who needs a lot of experience to screw up the country? Bush was never a congressman...only his daddy was president and then only for one term. I don't think, however, that Senator Edwards lack of experience is any reason to think he would not make a good vice-president or even president. This is just a matter of the neocons knee jerk reaction to anything and everything. They have nothing positive to place before the public so they can only tear down the opponent by whatever means is available. It is disgusting! And let us not forget that George H. W. Bush picked a very young Dan Quayle for his vice-president. He didn't do badly as VP except for being unable to spell potato.
Sunday, July 04, 2004
And in keeping with the holiday weekend, here is
Molly Ivins' column for the day.