Wednesday, July 07, 2004

I seem to have gotten on a movie kick recently so today I went to see Spiderman-2. Well, the character is interesting, sort of a reluctant hero, but on a scale of one to ten I would only give it a five. People are saying that this movie was better than the first which I apparently did not see. That is just as well as I just managed to get through this without walking out. When I was a kid Superman and Batman & Robin (especially Robin!?!?) were my heroes. I do not know now nor do I care which comic books they appeared in but most comics I found to be rather weird, even at age ten.

Winter seems to have returned here in San Francisco. They say there is a cooling trend but there never really has been a warming trend. Is it because I am getting older or am I becoming like the Thai people and finding anything below 21 celsius as chilly? I do know that the wind is really bugging me. I am even tempted to turn the heat back on in the apartment but I will try to resist that and just wear a warmer shirt.

No much else going on here. The opera and symphony seasons are over however the Merola Opera program singers for this summer are presenting a concert in Yerba Buena Gardens this coming Sunday which I would like to attend. Then in August the Merola Grand Finale will be held on Saturday for the first time (the 21st) which I always try to attend.

My slide scanning is going well but reading is still a problem as I am procrastinating a lot there even though I have one book to finish and three to start. Oh, there aren't enough hours in a day.

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