Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I have heard some really strange comments about Michael Moore from Bush backers. One comment out of Florida (where else of course)is that those who would swallow up Michael Moore's movie would follow a Hitler type leader without question. Well, isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black? That is exactly what the Republicans are doing with Herr Bush. They don't question him at all. That is scary as he is leading this world to an unmitigated disaster. Yes, Saddam Hussein is an evil man but he harmed only his people. He was not a threat to us but no, Cheney and other oil people from Texas to Afghanistan to Saudi Arabia made sure that the bin Laden family wasn't touched (They were hustled out of the country by air even before the resumption of general aviation in Sept. 2001.) and instead they held up Hussein who became the red herring in this case.

Others, who have their head stuck in the sand or other places, think Bush is the greatest president ever (or maybe second behind Reagan) which is an outright insult to all other presidents this country has had.

The Bush tank is running on empty and now that Kerry has named John Edwards as his running mate there are those who decry his lack of experience. Well, to look at it one way, who needs a lot of experience to screw up the country? Bush was never a congressman...only his daddy was president and then only for one term. I don't think, however, that Senator Edwards lack of experience is any reason to think he would not make a good vice-president or even president. This is just a matter of the neocons knee jerk reaction to anything and everything. They have nothing positive to place before the public so they can only tear down the opponent by whatever means is available. It is disgusting! And let us not forget that George H. W. Bush picked a very young Dan Quayle for his vice-president. He didn't do badly as VP except for being unable to spell potato.

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