Thursday, November 10, 2005

Problems and boredom?

Why do I feel that things are so boring? It is not because I do not have anything to do. In fact, my plate is almost too full at times. Why do I get bored so easily? That is a very good question. I know that should it become possible to suddenly move to NYC and live there for a few years in a nice apartment, that my boredom would be gone for awhile as I learned my way around the city as a local and not as a tourist but then at some point I am certain that "been there - done that" would take over. to keep life interesting. That is the problem these days.

As for upcoming events there is the San Francisco Symphony tomorrow night for Carl Orff's Carmina Burana but unfortunately it is their new Friday night series at an early time (6:30 PM) which features talks from the stage. I think I should have selected the Wednesday or Thursday concert in this series as I fear there will be an entirely different audience there at 6:30 PM tomorrow, one which, well, doesn't know much about classical music and need to be led by the hand in trying to enjoy this piece.

Then on Saturday evening it will be back to the Opera House for Beethoven's Fidelio. I enjoyed that in rehearsal last week and it will be good to see the finished product and hear Christine Brewer again.

I have a lot of reading to many magazines plus several books. It seems that I can't sit still for too long these days for any of those for some reason. Even with TV programs I have to stand up and walk around during commercial breaks. I wonder now how I make through an hour or more at the Opera House or symphony? Oh, and there is my upcoming 13 hour flight to Taipei followed by another 3 hours to Bangkok. Ouch! Oh, I could put myself to sleep with a lot of wine but then tends to dry out my system, especially my sinuses which in turn causes problems with my ears. Sure could use the transporter from the Enterprise for this. Ha!

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