Thursday, September 25, 2008

Christmas Shopping

Yikes! Do you realize that three months from today is Christmas? Bah - Humbug!

McCain, Palin and the campaign

If McCain wants to take a few days off from the campaign he should do it to find a new VP canditate. Two that I would find very acceptable would be Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell. Why he picked a ditzy woman with no experience is beyond me. Even Laura Bush does not think she is qualified.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

McCain retreats

Oh Great! With only slightly more than five weeks until the election, McCain wants to suspend the debates in order to return to Washington to work on the financial crisis. Well, John, I got news for you. The financial crisis in the making for the past eight years ain't gonna be resolved in five weeks so cut the crap and go ahead with the debates, unless of course, you are trying to hide from something. You and your henchmen are already trying to hide Ms. Palin from the press so what are YOU hiding from?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Vice-President Pain

IF she ever gets that far or the next step up and IF she ever has a meeting with Vladimir Putin, he will chew her up and spit her out in very tiny pieces.

Oh, then there is the other problem of that shaggy long haired dog that Hamid Karzai owns.


Do you realize that if you remove the L from Palin that you get Pain which is what you would get if she were ever Vice-President, or worse, President?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Presidential Election

Why should Obama or anyone else have to win a particular state such as Florida to win an election. How about a system where all votes count, where the millions who vote for this or that candidate throughout the country will have an effect on the outcome. This archaic electoral college system needs to go.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Text Messaging

So now the experts find that text messaging can be dangerous. Well, duh...drinking & driving, texting & driving, eating & driving...seems like common sense would tell us not to do those things


Say, this iGoogle home page is neat. I have been playing around with all of the customizations tonight and find it as interesting if not more so than my personal page at Yahoo.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I am ticked off. I just lost five games of Mahjong in a row and none of them were even close.

Sarah Palin has got to go. She and her husband would be an embarrassment to this country and now we learn that she only obtained her passport last year. What kind of politician is she who has not been anywhere on this planet? I will never understand why McCain picked her. While I am not a supporter ot Mitt Romney he would have been a far better choice for the VP slot. It is scary to think that she might be a heartbeat away from the presidency and have to answer that red phone at 3 AM some day. :-(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

With all the hullabaloo about a suicide barrier on the Bay Bridge I am wondering what officials are going to do about suicide by train on Cal Train and BART? These types stories have been popping up a lot lately whereas I have read nothing about anyone jumping from the bridge recently. I wonder why this is so?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I will never look at Les Miz the same way again after viewing this video...LOL
BTW, look for the McCain/Palin look alikes about halfway through this.

One of my favorite comments in the letters to the editor this morning:

This is a memo to Sen. John McCain and Sarah Palin: Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Cesar Chavez and Nelson Mandela were all "community organizers."

Can either of you ever summon the courage to walk a mile in their shoes - or sandals - for just one day?"

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The more I read about Sarah Palin the more I am convinced that she would be a dangerous person to have a heartbeat away from the presidency, or at the very least, a very inept person who could still do a lot of harm to this country.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I wish the Republicans would lighten up and stop trying to blame the Democrats on the "lipstick on a pig" remark. The phrase has been around longer than the current political campaign. Even Sarah Palin used the phrase herself during the RNC. By the way, should Palin ever become vice-president or president and should she ever meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, I would like to see Ms. Merkel "bitch slap" Ms. Palin, in part because she (Palin) is such a bitch and in part because of Bush's unwanted neck massage a few years ago. Of course that wouldn't happen because Angela Merkel is too smart and dignified to do such a thing. Damn! It would be fun however.

As for a local San Francisco issue, why all the hullabaloo about a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge"? The proposed design would simply add a safety netting below the railings and would not visually destroy the bridge. As for ways to commit suicide, well, as there have been quite a number of them in recent years on the Cal Train tracks south of San Francisco and even a few on the BART system. High places, however, such as the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower have barriers which make it difficult to jump without warning and are probably more intrusive visually than what is currently proposed for the bridge. This city seems to be full of more than its share of whiners and nimbys. Oh well, this is San Francisco and after 32 years here I am thinking it is time to move on.

Friday, September 12, 2008

It is amazing that the Republicans harped on Barack Obama's lack of experience for months but then pick someone with even less experience to be Vice-President, someone who might outlast McCain due to his advanced years. It is really a terrible thought to imagine this woman being a heartbeat away from the Oval Office and I quite agree with my hometown boy, Matt Damon, about this person.

By the way, as governor of Alaska, she tried to ban the following books from the public schools: Tom Sawyer, Huckelberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, all of Stephen King's books, as well as the Harry Potter books, and many more. Fortunately, she was unsuccessful. This woman is really frightening. She should stay in Alaska, hunting and fishing with her family, not screwing up the rest of the country and the world.

Of course, we know why McCain picked her - OIL. Alaska has a lot of oil, much of which cannot be drilled and/or pumped due to current regulations.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

So Joe Lieberman thinkgs Obama is young and untested. Well so was John Kennedy. As for VP Governor Palin is even more untested and I really do not want her a "heartbeat away from the presidency". These Republicans are a bunch of fools who will say anything, do anything to destroy the other person and get themselves elected.
I wonder if the Republicans will forgive Gov. Palin and her daughter. They don't seem to be the type to forgive so easily. Many did not forgive Bill Clinton and HIS personal failings as a human being.