Friday, September 12, 2008

It is amazing that the Republicans harped on Barack Obama's lack of experience for months but then pick someone with even less experience to be Vice-President, someone who might outlast McCain due to his advanced years. It is really a terrible thought to imagine this woman being a heartbeat away from the Oval Office and I quite agree with my hometown boy, Matt Damon, about this person.

By the way, as governor of Alaska, she tried to ban the following books from the public schools: Tom Sawyer, Huckelberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, all of Stephen King's books, as well as the Harry Potter books, and many more. Fortunately, she was unsuccessful. This woman is really frightening. She should stay in Alaska, hunting and fishing with her family, not screwing up the rest of the country and the world.

Of course, we know why McCain picked her - OIL. Alaska has a lot of oil, much of which cannot be drilled and/or pumped due to current regulations.

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