Friday, April 30, 2004

Trouble in Paradise

I am both saddened and angered by the violence in southern Thailand because some militant Muslims want a separate state. Why now? I do not know if they have been in the minority or the majority in the three provinces effected but what was wrong with things there that they could not be addressed by the national government, or if they really disliked it there so much, why didn't they just move to Malaysia which is right next door and is a Muslim country. Now some rebels are warning tourists to stay away from Krabi and Phuket. These popular tourists destinations are further north and could suffer a major financial loss if things get out of hand in the south. I will be in the country in a few weeks and am not worried especially since I will be in the central and northern parts of the country but still it is worrisome for the welfare of the whole country.

Other troubles: As I walk around my neighborhood in the Nob Hill area and on down to Polk Gulch I am disturbed by the increasing amount graffiti present on so many buildings. I personally would like to dump a gallon of the same color paint on a perpetrator of these acts of vandalism if they could be caught but I guess these things happen late at night when most honest folks are at home and asleep.

Then there is the old woman who lives on Pine Street between Hyde and Leavenworth who rolls around a small piece of luggage containing plastic bags of bread crumbs which she leaves in the gutters to feed the pigeons. As a result the west end of her block has become a mess with pigeon droppings galore as has the west side of Hyde Street between California and Pine. She even dumped a bunch of these bread crumbs in the Muni bus stop there one day and stood there blocking bus access to it until her beloved pigeons had eaten most everything. She is a nut case for sure. This is against the law so I would love to get a picture of her doing this so I could submit it to the proper authorities.

I guess for these and many other reasons it is always so pleasant to visit downtown San Jose where the streets are clean and there aren't any derelicts passed out on the sidewalks beside their stolen shopping carts full of vermin and other assorted crap.


Wo to the Giants

Two teams going in opposite directions. Also, whoever predicted a NL-West three-way race between the Dodgers, Giants, and Diamondbacks sure screwed up on that one. Right now it appears to be a two way race between the Dodgers and the Padres. Help, I need an Alka Seltzer, or another drink. Ha!

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Six or seven more dead U.S. soldiers in Iraq each day. How much longer will this go on and what will it accomplish?

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Item, item, whose gotta item...

Definitely cooler today. That is good. Now I will feel like doing something instead of being a lemonade swilling couch potato. Ha!

Well, the politcal campaigns go on and on and on and on. I'm not sure who started it and I don't care but I would like to hear some specifics from both major candidates about how to fix some of this countries problems. Since they are not talking about those things I can only assume that neither Kerry nor Bush have a clue so once again it will come down to the lesser of two evils in November and for me that is Kerry.

The needless deaths of 700+ U.S. Servicemen and women makes it impossible for me to vote for Bush. Also it is very disgusting to witness how these moral cowards who are now in power keep trying to hide their record of ineptitude behind a smokescreen of misinformation and vicious attacks on anyone with the courage to proclaim the truth. Sometimes I wonder if I could volunteer to be the first man on Mars.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Don't laugh too loudly

I have heard of loud snoring that has caused problems but never laughter as in this case from Berlin.


"A German took his female neighbor to court for laughing too loudly. But she had the last laugh -- the judge threw out the case, saying Germany could not ban laughter, newspapers reported on Tuesday.
Unemployed Bernd F., 52, complained to magistrates that 47-year-old Barbara M. kept him awake with over four hours of loud laughter one evening as she enjoyed a meal with eight friends in her Berlin apartment above his, Bild daily said.

The judge dismissed the complaint of disturbing the peace, saying the woman had not broken any noise restrictions. "Laughter is a general sound of life. It will not be banned," he said. "


Record temperatures for April here with 91F in SF yesterday. That is not a city record however. The hotest I have experienced here was one Sunday afternoon in August in the mid-eighties while sitting in the sun at Stern Grove for three hours at a concert. I knew it was hot but had no idea (thank god) until I returned to the car to learn that the official high for that day was 103F. Yikes!!!!!!

Our miserable Giants are now in the cellar. I don't think things will get any better, or if the team suddenly perks up, it will be too late. They need to spend some money for good players but they have been cutting the budget lately so I doubt that will happen. Maybe after Bonds retires they will be able to afford more and better players. This reminds we of when I was a kid in Boston and about the only player of worth on the Red Sox was Ted Williams. Well, one very good player does not a baseball team make.

The Bush/Blair team is the most stubborn two I have ever seen. At least here we have a presidential election scheduled this November although there is a significant portion of the population who believes Bush or feels that he is the better of the two (vs. Kerry) in a crisis. This is scary!

All quiet here in the City by the Bay. Same sex marriages are on hold pending a review of the situation by the State Supreme Court so there are no long lines at City Hall or protests by right wing fundamentalists although there was a march by a conglomeration of conservative church groups out somewhere in the avenues last weekend. Marching in those neighborhoods was like preaching to the choir.

Some of my friends are going to hate me (again) as I terminate my post office box at the end of May and revert back to my street address for snail-mail. I started renting the box a few years ago when this neighborhood became the victim of somebody breaking into mailboxes. Ours weren't that good in the first place and by the time he was finished with them, several were unusable. Fortunately they caught him so that ended that. In the meantime I started renting the post office box at a substation near my office. That was convenient while I was still working but now that I have retired, I don't always enjoy taking the time to go down to the financial district just for mail. Also, this building has installed new mailboxes inside the security gate so we are in good shape here now for mail deliveries. So this will be a way to cut my budget a little and have the mail delivered here once again.

Not too much to write about (is there ever) so I will sign off for now. I need something wet and cold to drink also.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Stupid ideas

#1: The Market Street Railway Association is supporting and has convinced Muni officials to run the historic trolleys all the way from Fisherman's Wharf to SBC Park and maybe even part way down the new Third Street line when it opens thus mixing these older, slower, and lighter weight trolleys with the new, faster, and heavy weight Breda LRVs. Although it was operator error that caused the crash a few months ago on the outer part of the J-line, we all saw what would happen to a PCC trolley when rammed by a Breda LRV. To mix the two between Folsom Street and SBC Park is crazy. Also, I have heard from a correspondent in Melbourne that they tried something like that in that city and it did not work there due to too many accidents. Well I guess it is time to write to the MSR with copies of the letter going to the Muni General Manager and to Mayor Newsom.

#2: The plans for an organ pavilion on a plaza created by the Embarcadero Roadway and trolley line projects are still in the works. This very noisy location is bordered by Steuart Street on the west, Justin Herman Plaza on the north, the Embarcadero Roadway and trolley line on the east, and Donn Chee Way, a private right-of-way on the south for the F-line access to Fisherman's Wharf. The pipe organ which used to be housed in the Civic Auditorium is planned for the outdoor pavalion and would probably resemble the Spreckle's Pavilion in Balboa Park in San Diego. That site has one huge advantage over the SF location in that the park is a much quieter environment. The other problem, which cannot be overcome, is that a pipe organ needs to be inside a building in order for all of its many voices to be heard properly. Outdoors the quieter pipes would be drowned out by ambient noises forcing the organist to play loud and louder. All subtlety of intonation would be completely lost which it is in the quieter Balboa Park in San Diego. The real kicker in this is that the local chapter of the American Guild of Organists is behind this project and they, of all people, should know better than to do something like this. I think it is great that the historic organ was saved and refurbished but let's find a decent home for it. Actually, the city missed a golden opportunity by not putting it on the upper level of the nave of the restored Ferry Building. There are now offices on both ends of the building but what a glorious place for weekend concerts there in that very vibrant atmosphere. Although this organ is not terribly big, the Wannamaker Department store installation comes to mind when I think of public spaces and organs. Once again the city that prides itself as the "City that knows how", doesn't, and it doesn't even have a clue as to what is going on.
I'll make an exception here.

I don't usually approve of pranks that some radio stations pull but this one took a bit of doing and since it was the "bad guy" who was upset, I find this somewhat humorous.


A radio station that crank-called Cuban President Fidel Castro and broadcast the recording should be fined $4,000, the Federal Communications Commission said.

The Spanish-speaking hosts of "The Morning High Jinks" used snippets of an earlier prank involving Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to move the call from a receptionist up the chain to Castro in a five-minute broadcast June 17.

The hosts of the show on WXDJ-FM, Joe Ferrero and Enrique Santos, fed pleasantries to Castro before breaking in and calling him an assassin. The conversation ended after Castro denounced the callers with a stream of vulgarities.

The FCC concluded Friday that the station should be fined for the broadcast. It rejected the station's claim that a rule requiring people to be notified before their voices are used does not apply to people in Cuba.

Payment of the fine or a request for cancellation or reduction is required within 30 days.

It was unclear whether the station had been fined for the prank involving Chavez five months before.

There was no answer at the station's business line Saturday, and a call to the station's Washington attorney was not immediately returned.


Of course, this tends to point out how technology can be used to fool someone and it makes me wonder if similar tactics could be used to upset internal security in this country. Now that is scary.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

What next?

That is a rhetorical question. I am thinking outloud here. It was a beautiful day and since I did not feel like suffering through five hours of faulty Internet reception from WQXR-FM. I like Gotterdammerung too much to suffer static and minute interruptions for that long, so, I went out to the Japan Center complex for the Cherry Blossom Festival. That turned out to be a good decision except that I forgot to take my camera. I got to see and here SF Taiko Dojo which I had feared I wouldn't for some reason. Anyway I watched them and a purification ceremony performed by Buddhist Monks and I a Teriyaki Burger for lunch. By the way, the scenery was beautiful on this very warm day. So what next? I have been asking myself that ever since I returned home. Should I do something else? Go out tonight? Resume with my slide scanning project? What? Well, as it has turned out, none of the above. [clunk!]


The whole bunch of you. Starting with top front office management down to Felipe Alou. The Giants are miserable and someone needs to be called on the carpet for this disastrous showing in the young 2004 season. I have never seen so many missed opportunities to score and win as I have seen during the past two weeks. I have never seen so many Giant players hitting into double-plays as I have seen during the past two weeks. This ain't major league baseball. This is bush league baseball which makes me wonder if George has anything to do with this miserable showing. After all, he hates the Bay Area.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

How much are these guys getting paid?

Based on the past three games but especially on today's lousy showing, they are all being paid far too much. Who am I talking about? Well the San Francisco Giants who have been anything but in their last three outings. Today was the worst. Clearly this team needs some talent. Bonds can't do it by himself and even when he is hitting, his teammates are not backing him up by dong likewise or they are hitting into doubleplays. Today Bonds didn't even play. How depressing! One sportswriter predicted a three way race in the NL-West between the Dodgers, Diamondbacks, and the Giants. He only got one-third of that right as the Giants continue their slide into the cellar to join the Diamondbacks. Booo...!!!
Good thoughts

I am worried about this election this fall as I see no positive sign that John Kerry is getting anywhere in the polls. Apparently at least one other person in this area feels the same and has written a good letter to the editor on that issue.
Read on:

I fully expect to vote for John Kerry this November. I'm afraid, however, that the Kerry campaign's decision to publicize his heroism in Vietnam will only serve as an unpleasant contrast to the political cowardice that he has been displaying of late. The New Yorker has reported that he now refuses to use his fluent French in public, for fear of appearing pro-French. But what really takes the cake is his criticism of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's decision to bring troops back from Iraq. If Zapatero is faulted for sticking to his campaign promise, what are we to make of Kerry?


Yes, Kerry must make himself out to be an alternative to Bush but he sure is not doing a very good job of it right now. This may help Nader which in turn would help Bush. Oh lordy, what are we to do?

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Somewhere, sometime, maybe things will get better

I know, there are always troubles in the world but yet when I compare the situation now with what it was when I was a teenager, I can't help but think we are headed down the wrong road in so far as the way we treat people. Whether it be domestic violence or international violence or just plain disrespect of our neighbors, it has gotten much, much worse and I don't see it getting any better. No, I am not going to predict the end of the world but I sure wonder how long things can continue this way before complete and total chaos and anarchy reign. Now that I wrote that I know it sounds ridiculous and far fetched and that I have probably seen too many movies but still, sometimes life imitates art as art imitates life. Pretty scary really.

The most scary things right now however in this country is the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld regime in Washington. They must go into retirement next January. PLEASE

Monday, April 19, 2004

Cold, cold heart

My favorite letter to the editor of the SF Chronicle today is the one which I reprint below.


Editor -- I heard that our secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, was "surprised" by the rise in deaths of our servicemen and women ("Rumsfeld surprised by fighting, but says troop levels adequate," April 16).

I would have thought he'd say that he was saddened -- even enraged -- but "surprised"?

The taking of a human life deserves more than "surprise." This war in Iraq is like a game to this administration -- little children playing with dangerous toys. They don't understand the value of a life, or comprehend the loss to parents and wives and children and friends.

I would like to see the children and grandchildren of the men who started this needless war in Iraq be sent there to "play" out the game their elders started.

Our "war president" shirked his duty to this country and now sends our young men and women to do needless battle. He will have much to answer for when he meets his God.


As I read many of the letters each day I find that people here in the Bay Area are much more sensible and articulate than our so-called leaders in Washington.

Sunday, April 18, 2004

It ain't over until the fat lady - dances?

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A top Russian ballerina, sacked for being too heavy, lost a damages claim for $1 million against the chief of Moscow's Bolshoi Theater on Thursday, local media reported. Prima ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, fired by the theater in September for being too bulky for her partners to lift, sought the damages from the Bolshoi's general director Anatoly Iksanov for harming her personal and professional reputation.

The case at a Moscow court centered on a newspaper interview with Iksanov headlined "No one wants to dance with Volochkova."

"The Basmanny court turned down the ballerina's claim, considering that the published information was not damaging to her honor, professional reputation and dignity," Interfax news agency quoted her lawyer, Lev Zubovsky, as saying.

Volochkova was reinstated at the Bolshoi two months after her dismissal but she took on no leading roles. She then embarked on solo tours and has featured regularly in the Russian media spotlight.

At 168 cm (5 feet 6 inches) and weighing around 50 kg (110 pounds), the blonde ballerina's measurements were considered larger than usual for a dancer. She has dismissed the criticism.

Another day...another week

At least I found something humerous to start this week off with. Bangkok has just opened its first subway line and I guess because of that, the Bangkok Post ran an article about the London subway which is funny. That is, if you can understand British humour. Check it out at the Bangkok Post.

This is one of those days I have to make some decisions about what to do: 1) continue work on moving my personal website, 2) watch the Giants/Dodgers game on TV, 3) go to the Cherry Blossom Festival in the Japan Center, or 3) attend an organ recital at Grace Cathedral. If 3, then I can work on my website before that however part of me wants to get outdoors. Dang it, why is life so difficult? That is really one of the problems with this city. There is usually too much on the plate but I guess I would rather have that then be stuck in rural Georgia with nothing to do.

Friday, April 16, 2004

So goes another week

A few months ago I was worried that the November election would be so close that Bush might win for some reason but now I think that the situation in Iraq has deteriorated so much that this will bring him down. He and Tony said they won't abandon the job but of course, we are in too deep for them to say that publicly. They can either continue to send our troops over to die or they can turn it over at the end of June to the Iraqi people and let them do what they will, be it good or bad. Bush and Blair won't do that so I see a ray of light at the end of the tunnel politically. Of course, this is what al Queda wants but we should have never been involved in the first place. The only plan he had in going in was to avenge his father and get rid of Hussein. He did that. That was the easy part but now we are stuck there in a completely chaotic situation with no plans as to how or when to get out. How many more U.S. troops will die before we do get out?

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

What day is it?

For some reason it is easy to lose track of what day of the week it is once you are retired. I am constantly looking at calendars of all sorts and even then I am not sure. Anyway, I am still here and I have just discovered a neat new browser thanks for the good folks at PC World magazine. Its name is MyIE2 and it is absolutely free and has a lot of nifty features. You can go to to get the download and information about this nifty browser.

Also, if you are tired of the mess in Iraq go to Move On and give the Bush a piece of your mind.

Then if you are some sort of scientific geek and want to predict the end of the world or your city or country, try the Impact Calculator at a University of Arizona website. Not being a geek, or at least a scientific one, I put in some meaningless figures which hardly made a blip on the radar screen or caused the Richter scale to move. In fact, it was probably a near miss. Well, that would be in keeping with the rest of my life I guess. ha ha ha

See ya...

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Easter Sunday rant

For those of you who read this (all two of you) you know how upsetting world events are to me these days. Therefore I dislike watching the news much of the time on TV. I still enjoy the letters to the editor sections of newspapers, that is, when the extreme left or the extreme right, is not attacking the other side instead of putting forth a message of importance. There was a letter to the editor of the Chronicle today which caught my attention as I sure agree with everything this person wrote. Hopefully, that person will not mind my copying the letter verbatim.

"The deep gloom that has settled over this country since Sept. 11, 2001, is not al Qaeda's doing. It is President Bush's.

Osama bin Laden's strategic objective was to provoke the United States into a blundering overreaction, which is exactly what Bush has given him, and then some.

The administration dragged us into Iraq with a pack of lies and no exit strategy. They've looted the U.S. Treasury to pay for tax cuts for the rich. They've ruptured longstanding international alliances. They've inflamed the Muslin world against us.

The Bush Administration is a malignancy on our country that must be removed before it destroys us."

And to that I would add - A-men.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

It's hopeless

I don't care what George W. Bush says, we are not safer now than we were when he took office. This country is not safer and the world is not safer and he has actually made it less safe. He is so dissillusioned to think he has made it safer. He has made more enemies than we had four years ago and made old enemies even angrier at us than they were four years ago.

As a sort of footnote to his four years in the White House, I think Colin Powell is getting set to abandon ship no matter what happens this year. Over the weekend he reversed himself on the administration line that they acted upon solid evidence of Hussain's WMDs. Now he says that they operated on faulty intelligence. Sounds like he is getting set to justify a resignation either before or after the election.

This administration has no plan on how to deal with the situation and after the handover of power in a few months, anything could happen and it could be worse than the past few days. Then what? It took the U.S. many years to get out of Vietnam but at least there the war was confined to that territory and we did not have terrorists roaming the world blowing up people. Now it is a whole new ball game. It is a lose-lose situation. I agree with those who say that a sudden and complete withdrawal would be bad because that is exactly what the extremists in Iraq want but on the other hand, we can't stay there forever. To occupy the country will not stop the violence and will only continue to create enemies. So what do we do? I wish I had the answer but I don't. The only possible course of action would be to go to the U.N. and demand action of some sort from all member nations. There must be a concerted internatioinal effort to end the violence. Tony and George can't do it by themselves.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

All quiet from outer space?

Did I miss something or did NASA's Mars rovers stop transmitting? It seems like, after several incidences of finding evidence of water in the past, these two machines have disappeared entirely from the news. It seems to me that had the batteries failed, something would have been told to the public so that we would no longer expect pictures or other findings but no, there has just been nothing coming from from NASA. All news from Mars has ceased. Did they find something so overwhelming, so fantastic, that they had to stop transmitting pictures and other information? What is going on? I would like to know and to be brought up to date.

On another matter, would you care to ask some more questions about the Bush regime? If so, go to this website.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Whew, what is that smell?

Here's an odd story out of Canada.


A Calgary brokerage touted new ways to fuel northern Alberta's massive oil sands developments on Thursday in an April 1 research report promising power from flatulent cows.

The hoax report, done up to look like a genuine research document, said a company called Bovine Hydrocarbon Collection, based in Picture Butte, Alberta, would collect the methane from gassy cows in special TurboSucks tanks made of old scuba gear, vacuum cleaners and surplus airplane parts.

"FirstEnergy has examined the technology as closely as possible, and believes it has significant potential," the report said.

The author of the report, Steven Paget, was not immediately available for comment.

A Web search for bovine hydrocarbon collection shows a series of scientific documents, none of which have anything to do with methane, oil sands or the rocket-like TurboSucks gadget pictured in the FirstEnergy report


My favorite "news source", since I don't read The National Enquirer or other tabloid newspapers, remains The Onion.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Depressing World

There once was a time that I was a news junkie. I was interested in hearing about world, national, and local events but that is not so anymore. The world situation has become too violent and unstable. The national situation has become one filled with liers in all areas of government and it seems to be impossible to trust anyone anymore. The local situation is one in which few people can either take NO for an answer (i.e. repeated elections to overturn a previous decision of the voters) or who cannot accept differences of opinion. You see it everyday in the Letters to the Editor as the extreme right attacks the extreme left, or vice versa, instead of debating the issues and putting forth positive statements about how to deal with a situation from their respective positions. There does not seem to be any common middle ground to the characters who populate the San Francisco Bay Area any longer. It is either the fascists on the left or the fascists on the right who get headlines and make a lot of noise. What is this world coming to? Where is it going? The ship of state is rudderless. How much longer before everything on this planet completely falls apart?

But then when I get discouraged I remind myself that I have some wonderful friends, some of whom I have never met, at least not yet. Some are only correspondents in far off lands for the present but who knows, that could change, and the warmth and love that manages to come through with a person's e-mail, might someday become something very real and substantial. That gives me hope for the future. I just hope that the politicians of this world don't mess it all up.

Anyway, here it is Friday again which is a day many people look forward to. For me, one day is now the same as any other but I try to do my best during each one that I am given.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. It is also the change to Daylight Savings Time so don't forget to "spring forward" one hour before retiring Saturday night.