Saturday, April 03, 2004

Whew, what is that smell?

Here's an odd story out of Canada.


A Calgary brokerage touted new ways to fuel northern Alberta's massive oil sands developments on Thursday in an April 1 research report promising power from flatulent cows.

The hoax report, done up to look like a genuine research document, said a company called Bovine Hydrocarbon Collection, based in Picture Butte, Alberta, would collect the methane from gassy cows in special TurboSucks tanks made of old scuba gear, vacuum cleaners and surplus airplane parts.

"FirstEnergy has examined the technology as closely as possible, and believes it has significant potential," the report said.

The author of the report, Steven Paget, was not immediately available for comment.

A Web search for bovine hydrocarbon collection shows a series of scientific documents, none of which have anything to do with methane, oil sands or the rocket-like TurboSucks gadget pictured in the FirstEnergy report


My favorite "news source", since I don't read The National Enquirer or other tabloid newspapers, remains The Onion.

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