Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Item, item, whose gotta item...

Definitely cooler today. That is good. Now I will feel like doing something instead of being a lemonade swilling couch potato. Ha!

Well, the politcal campaigns go on and on and on and on. I'm not sure who started it and I don't care but I would like to hear some specifics from both major candidates about how to fix some of this countries problems. Since they are not talking about those things I can only assume that neither Kerry nor Bush have a clue so once again it will come down to the lesser of two evils in November and for me that is Kerry.

The needless deaths of 700+ U.S. Servicemen and women makes it impossible for me to vote for Bush. Also it is very disgusting to witness how these moral cowards who are now in power keep trying to hide their record of ineptitude behind a smokescreen of misinformation and vicious attacks on anyone with the courage to proclaim the truth. Sometimes I wonder if I could volunteer to be the first man on Mars.

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