Monday, April 19, 2004

Cold, cold heart

My favorite letter to the editor of the SF Chronicle today is the one which I reprint below.


Editor -- I heard that our secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, was "surprised" by the rise in deaths of our servicemen and women ("Rumsfeld surprised by fighting, but says troop levels adequate," April 16).

I would have thought he'd say that he was saddened -- even enraged -- but "surprised"?

The taking of a human life deserves more than "surprise." This war in Iraq is like a game to this administration -- little children playing with dangerous toys. They don't understand the value of a life, or comprehend the loss to parents and wives and children and friends.

I would like to see the children and grandchildren of the men who started this needless war in Iraq be sent there to "play" out the game their elders started.

Our "war president" shirked his duty to this country and now sends our young men and women to do needless battle. He will have much to answer for when he meets his God.


As I read many of the letters each day I find that people here in the Bay Area are much more sensible and articulate than our so-called leaders in Washington.

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