Wednesday, April 07, 2004

It's hopeless

I don't care what George W. Bush says, we are not safer now than we were when he took office. This country is not safer and the world is not safer and he has actually made it less safe. He is so dissillusioned to think he has made it safer. He has made more enemies than we had four years ago and made old enemies even angrier at us than they were four years ago.

As a sort of footnote to his four years in the White House, I think Colin Powell is getting set to abandon ship no matter what happens this year. Over the weekend he reversed himself on the administration line that they acted upon solid evidence of Hussain's WMDs. Now he says that they operated on faulty intelligence. Sounds like he is getting set to justify a resignation either before or after the election.

This administration has no plan on how to deal with the situation and after the handover of power in a few months, anything could happen and it could be worse than the past few days. Then what? It took the U.S. many years to get out of Vietnam but at least there the war was confined to that territory and we did not have terrorists roaming the world blowing up people. Now it is a whole new ball game. It is a lose-lose situation. I agree with those who say that a sudden and complete withdrawal would be bad because that is exactly what the extremists in Iraq want but on the other hand, we can't stay there forever. To occupy the country will not stop the violence and will only continue to create enemies. So what do we do? I wish I had the answer but I don't. The only possible course of action would be to go to the U.N. and demand action of some sort from all member nations. There must be a concerted internatioinal effort to end the violence. Tony and George can't do it by themselves.

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