Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Somewhere, sometime, maybe things will get better

I know, there are always troubles in the world but yet when I compare the situation now with what it was when I was a teenager, I can't help but think we are headed down the wrong road in so far as the way we treat people. Whether it be domestic violence or international violence or just plain disrespect of our neighbors, it has gotten much, much worse and I don't see it getting any better. No, I am not going to predict the end of the world but I sure wonder how long things can continue this way before complete and total chaos and anarchy reign. Now that I wrote that I know it sounds ridiculous and far fetched and that I have probably seen too many movies but still, sometimes life imitates art as art imitates life. Pretty scary really.

The most scary things right now however in this country is the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld regime in Washington. They must go into retirement next January. PLEASE

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