Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Noise vs. Silence

I do not understand some people these days who cannot tolerate peace and quiet. That is, silence, to be more specific. My new upstairs neighbor is one such case. He or she comes homes each night about 7:30 PM, opens the patio door and then BLAM, on goes the stereo with some sort of garbage with a primitive beat that reverberates though the floor to my apartment. I will give him or her credit however for not playing it too loud, at least not as loud as when they moved in. But really, what is wrong with silence anyway? Are people that insecure that they must clutter up their lives with noise or sounds of any type? I for one, like to read, and I can't do it if the ambient noise level is too loud. I can't even stand the music I like because it distracts me from what I am reading and I end up listening to it instead of reading my book. Some people have to have the TV on whether or not they are watching it. Then there are the stores, especially some clothing stores, that must have music playing and frequently it is rather loud. Do they think that it attracts customers. I am repelled by it, not attracted by it, so I guess it is a generational thing.
Addendum: I now write this an hour later as the other person who frequents the apartment has arrived and has been banging around. The music was on loudly but now has stopped. Hopefully that is it for tonight. [knock on wood]

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Bush Rides Again

I am glad to see that Arlen Specter, a Republican, is questioning the practices of this tyrant we now have in the White House. Bush is a danger to this government and to this country and at least there is one person in congress who recognizes this. My hats off to Senator Specter. Thank you.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Gay Pride Celebration on mall at the Civic Center in San Francisco. It was a sunny but windy day in which thousands turned out for the parade, entertainment, and food. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 24, 2006

War on Terror

The U.S. will never win the war against terrorism as long as it continues to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and especially with acts like this one. This is a losing battle and will remain so until the U.S. has a complete change of heart regarding the relationship between countries and peoples. Muslim extremists do not hate us for who we are but for what we do. When are the Bushies going to learn that????????

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Stop the War

Excellent letter in a local newspaper this morning which reads as follows:
"The recent kidnapping and barbaric killing of two U.S. soldiers in Iraq should be a wake-up call to Americans who consider Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's death to be a turning point and good news for the Bush administration ("Killing of 2 missing GIs possibly a show of force by insurgents, analysts say,'' June 21).

There will be no turning point, but rather an endless cycle of violence and bloodshed until U.S. soldiers return home and Iraqis learn to reconcile their extreme elements with their moderate elements and carry on as their own society.

The question is not whether we can win the war on terrorism if we stay -- we cannot. The question is: When will we bring our military home or put it to serve a worthwhile cause? Soldiers will die at alarmingly high rates until the Bush administration decides to do so. Until then, every day means more American and Iraqi blood on President Bush's hands. The recent killings should serve as a reminder."
Unfotunately those running the U.S. Government are too stubborn to admit their mistakes and the futility of trying to shove Democracy down the throats of the unwilling. We need a change in government here and some soul searching by all politicians.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Not much of anything

Tried something different today. I went to the gym early in the morning arriving just before 9 AM. I do not know why I had gotten into the habit of going right after lunch but now I think I will stick with this schedule. The other routine broke up the day but this method clears the rest of the day for other activities. Also, the gym is a little quieter at 9 AM than it is at 1 PM. In addition I found that I had no less energy at that earlier hour so I think this will work for me now. I am still on a three days a week routine (MWF) with a cardio only combined with steam room/Jacuzzi on either Saturday or Sunday as the mood moves me.

So it has been a quiet day at home today since returning home. Some shopping at Cala Foods and now I have been researching some things for my next trip to Paris. This includes a "cheat sheet" database for easy referencing of my Metro/RER destinations from my hotel or other nearby points. I will return to some places visited previously but will also take the train to some new destinations such as Dijon and closer to Paris, the Chateau de Chantilly and the Chateau de Vincennes. Unfortunately my hotel is now going to cost me more than expected as the Euro was equal to about $1.10 U.S. when I booked my hotel but it is now $1.26 to the Euro. Ouch!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Passage

Today I learned from an article in the Examiner that the large metal sculptures pictured below (posted on the 19th) are entitled "The Passage" and are a creation of Dan Das Mann and Karen Cusolito. It was unveilved at the Pier 14 dedication ceremony on the Embarcadero on Friday June 16th. I sure could not locate that information on the sculptures or their base or anywhere nearby. I wonder why. Did they want to remain anonymous?

Living in the Ghetto, continued

You don't think this has become a ghetto? Well, read on. The increasing violence, the increase of vagrants on the sidewalks, the increase of rowdy types, all point towards a neighborhood in decline. It is only a matter of time before it reaches all the way up the hill to the top of Nob Hill.

Monday, June 19, 2006

What the heck are these statues?? They are temporary I am sure as the pedastal is wooden so I am sure they can be moved very easily. The only problem is that there is no sign to identify the name of the statues or the name of their creator. At the present time they can be found near Pier 14 just south of the Ferry Building in San Francisco. Posted by Picasa

Attn: Gavin

Your "care not cash" program seems to have some problems. I agree with the concept but more and more I see homeless people littering my neighborhood especially on Polk Street, sometimes two per block. That program, if it is to continue, needs some adjustments somewhere. Of course, having the police citing squatters might also be a starting point. Too often these people think they can get away with anything and often they do. Let's clean up the city and give those people a one-way bus ticket out of town.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

San Francisco Skyline

Another view of San Francisco Skyline from Pier 14 Posted by Picasa

View of San Francisco Skyline from new Pier 14. This is a breakwater/fishing pier which opened recently but is not quite finished yet. That is, facilities for fishermen are not installed yet although various connections are in evidence. On a nice day, such as today however, it is very nice for just walking out onto the Bay and getting a better look at things. Posted by Picasa

Living in the ghetto, part 2

I don't know who is going to be the bigger long range problem but the new neighbor upstairs does not seem to sleep and in the process he or she is keeping me awake. I went out to a local watering hole about 10:30 PM last night and the music was thumping away as usual. When I returned home at 1:30 AM it was still thumping away although the volume seemed to be slightly less. When I woke up around 4:30 AM to use the bathroom, guess what, more thumping bass. This has got to cease! I am being pestered by a very active mosquito that needs swatting (of some sort).

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Living in the ghetto

What the hell is the matter with this building? Doesn't the property management company care about who they let in here? I am now surrounded by loud idiots, one in the apartment next door and the newest one in the apartment directly above me. Both are thirty something going on 16. Then there are other loud mouth people visiting these people and others in the building. This situation is rapidly becoming intolerable but I can't afford to move just now. Certainly my rent would go up dramatically if I did and I certainly cannot afford first/last months rent and/or security deposit right now. I think that if Don, the manager of many years were still alive, this situation would have never developed or at least would not be allowed to continue. Idiot number one next door plays very loud music (if you can call it that) and our common wall vibrates considerably at times as he seems to have the speakers right up against the wall and are in no way isolated from the floor or the wall. One good thing can be said for him. He knows it off after 10 PM. The same cannot be said for idiot number two who moved in upstairs recently. His thumping bass sounds reverberate on my floor and disturb my sleep until midnight or after sometimes. If their leases are written the same way as mine, they are in clear violation of the paragraph concerning noise. Oh how I wish I were the manager or owner. I would evict both immediately but I am not so what do I do? What can I do other than move which I cannot afford? Don't these people care about their neighbors? Are they so self centered that no one else matters? Can't they turn down the volume some? Can't they use headphones sometimes? Can't they use common sense? I will answer that one. No, they can't use common sense because they don't have any. Their parents obviously failed them and now the world is burdened with two more useless people.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Life moves on...

After working nearly two months on a temporary assignment (contract work for my former employer through an employment agency), the job is about to come to an end. This Friday will be my last day. They have asked to me stay on or even consider further part time work later in the year. This I am not ready to do at this time. Technically I can clear my calendar enough so that two days per week would be possible but then after I told them that I could do that I was also asked to return in January for the next tax season on a full time basis through April 15th. That did it! I said NO at that point so further part time work will not happen anytime soon. It is nice to be wanted I guess and I am glad that they have enough confidence in me to ask me to stay on but I am retired and desirous of returning to those things I like to do. My weekly schedule in retirement is a full once and these past two months have been difficult as everything at home has suffered. I just hope the weather improves by the time the weekend and/or Monday rolls around. The past few days have been less than desirable here in the city.

Now will there be another period of readjustment? This past weekend, which I had off after working two consecutive weeks without a day off, was a lost weekend as I had not planned on it so I did not know what to do with myself. Well, I am already making plans for Saturday. I have to return to the gym. Have only been there once or twice since taking on this assigment and I have gained three pounds in the process of not doing that plus eating some of the wrong foods in too great a quantity.

The opera season is now complete but the final three productions of the season were three of the best all year. They were Madama Butterfly, Maid of Orleans (Joan of Arc), and Marriage of Figaro. All three had very good casts. And now my final symphony of the current season comes up Friday which will feature Verdi's Requiem which I have not heard live in a number of years. There will be some other events before September however. The "Three Divas" concert will be on the 22nd of June and the Merola Grand Finale concert will be on the 19th of August. Somewhere in there I have also scheduled a Giants game. My only one so far for the current season.

Ah, 'tis ten o'clock and nearly time to retire for the night. Just hope the person upstairs doesn't decide to throw another late night party. Last night was too much with loud music which lasted nearly to midnight. Grrr...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Marriage Laws

Regarding laws regulating marriage, we must remember this:

"America needs tougher laws to enforce the sanctity of marriage. Those eligible to vote for new laws protecting marriage should have the following qualifications: Never abused their spouse, never divorced, never committed adultery, never lusted in their hearts, never had sex prior to marriage, never hired a prostitute, never viewed pornography."

And by the way, Orin Hatch, you ARE a bigot!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Such idiocy

China pulls the film "The DaVinci Code" from theatres after allowing its showing there. This for undisclosed reasons in a country that is not friendly towards Christianity in any form. On this side of the ocean the Bush wants a constitutional amendment to protect marriage and family values.

"Where are the family values when 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce? Where are the family values when a large proportion of women and children are being abused by their spouses? Where are the family values when a significant proportion of married people live in poverty? Where are family values when a large portion of U.S. citizens don't have health care?"

Where will this idiocy end?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Be Kind to your Web Footed Friends...

...for a duck may be somebody's mother...or an alien.