Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Noise vs. Silence

I do not understand some people these days who cannot tolerate peace and quiet. That is, silence, to be more specific. My new upstairs neighbor is one such case. He or she comes homes each night about 7:30 PM, opens the patio door and then BLAM, on goes the stereo with some sort of garbage with a primitive beat that reverberates though the floor to my apartment. I will give him or her credit however for not playing it too loud, at least not as loud as when they moved in. But really, what is wrong with silence anyway? Are people that insecure that they must clutter up their lives with noise or sounds of any type? I for one, like to read, and I can't do it if the ambient noise level is too loud. I can't even stand the music I like because it distracts me from what I am reading and I end up listening to it instead of reading my book. Some people have to have the TV on whether or not they are watching it. Then there are the stores, especially some clothing stores, that must have music playing and frequently it is rather loud. Do they think that it attracts customers. I am repelled by it, not attracted by it, so I guess it is a generational thing.
Addendum: I now write this an hour later as the other person who frequents the apartment has arrived and has been banging around. The music was on loudly but now has stopped. Hopefully that is it for tonight. [knock on wood]

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