Saturday, February 10, 2007

What a world we live in...

Sometimes I think the whole world is going bonkers. It is, to quote an old movie title, A Mad, Mad, Mad World.

So what is this "man code" thing I have been hearing about since Mayor Newsom screwed up (pun intended)? Is there a woman code? How about a human code such as "love thy neighbor"?

Last weekend as the Queen Mary 2 prepared to sail from San Francisco I found myself humming the theme song from the movie Titanic. Hopefully there are no icebergs in the Pacific Ocean, at least not yet. Ha!

What is it with people who do not like the stories that the San Francisco Chronicle prints especially on the front page? One letter to the editor indicated he did not buy a particular edition because of the "front cover" as it were. What about all the other pages? Can't people like this simply move on to articles they do like? Do they smash their radios or television sets everytime there is a news story or program they don't like? What idiocy!

Then we have the flat earth excuse me...those who deny the Holocaust, one member of which attacked Elie Wiesel in a San Francisco hotel recently. What was on that idiots mind? Did he want to reprogram Mr. Wiesel? Whatever happened to live and let live in our society?

There are some days I just want to scream "Stop the world, I want to get off." Oh well, maybe I will just hop on the QM2 and sail right off the edge of the world someday and find all the people who did not die at Auschwitz, etc.

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