Friday, August 03, 2007

Why does the Board of Supervisors need to pass a Code of Conduct law for San Francisco's esteemed rulers? Isn't plain civil decency, supposedly learned at home during childhood enough? If parents have failed then their offspring don't really qualify to be in that position and no new set of laws is going to change anything. Really, do you think that The Ten Commandments have improved the behavior of the human race? Give me a break!

Well, if anyone doubts that the California Academy of Art University is not the largest or is not becoming the largest land owner in San Francisco they only need to take a look at the latest proposed acquisition of part of the flower mart South-of-Market. They have already a number of buildings in downtown San Francisco and nearby locations including the former First Congregrational Church at Post and Mason, a large apartment around the corner from me at 1080 Bush Street and the former home of Copenhagen Furniture on Van Ness Avenue, a rather large building in itself. The list goes on and on including the one which includes the Lorraine Hansberry Theatre on Sutter Street which stands to lose its performance space in the deal. Just how much space does that school need anyway? Everywhere you turn you see their name affixed to a building and you see their fleet of buses transporting students between campuses. It is quite a business they have going there.

As for the city's homeless, this letter to the editor caught my attention this morning and agrees with what I have long thought, that many of the homeless don't want to abide by society's rules:

"Regarding the long overdue sweeps through Golden Gate Park, I found this quote from your Aug. 2 article rather interesting. "I really enjoy myself - hanging out, being free, saying in the morning, 'I can do whatever I want.' "

Now someone tell me again that homelessness is not a choice."

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