Sunday, December 16, 2007

What is it about the Christmas song "The Little Drummer Boy" that drives so many people up the wall. Am I the only one who likes it anymore? Even this morning Alan Jones, Dean of Grace Cathedral mentioned in his sermon that if he hears it one more time he might be driven to violence. (laugher) The thing that drives me up the wall these days is a commercial on TV that shows a large gathering of family and friends for Christmas and the song starts "Are you having any fun...are you getting any lovin'...". The commercial is a total failure because I cannot remember what is being touted here and the song drives me up the wall to boot. Another thing I dislike very much is religious music of Christmas being turned into rock music or jazz or soul music and sung by unqualified singers. That is as bad as turning the National Anthem at sporting events into some sort of rock number, something people in other countries would never think of doing to their respective National Anthems. In fact, in Thailand one might lose their freedom or life for doing so. Maybe we need similar penalties here???

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